If etiquette and secret information are short boards, mysterious plant cultivation is definitely a strength.


The increase in materials, the defensive rituals of thousands of students, may be close to and comparable to the ceremonial rituals.
"You can also let Liu Shang and others delve into this ritual to find out the improvement method … but it may not be easy to improve the ritual data accumulated by the fire."
At the same time, this defensive instrument is also the most expensive one.
The consumption of different arrangements of instruments, traps and potions depends not only on the order of instruments, but also on the scale of instruments. It is not uncommon for a blue instrument arrangement to consume far more than the said level.
If the defensive etiquette is combined with the layout of the city wall, it will definitely consume power. If you frown, you have to be careful. If you have one kilometer of the city wall, you may have to invest a lot more.
"A good ten thousand trees are devoted to the cultivation of whisker materials … and now I don’t lack cunning crystals."
He pondered the arrangement of the burning oasis first.
A fire-burning oasis is very small, and the investment is not large. Secondly, the ceremonial wall has been built before the Spark Oasis, and it always feels a little rough to build another one.
Hidden rituals and notarial rituals are of great value, but the blood-source irrigation rituals are said to be lacking in interest in the rear tour. Go and collect dust in the database.
"But what’s the secret in the notarization ceremony?"
"Is it a symbol that cannot be described or …"
Staring at Fang You who has entered the system and presented the panel description, he was lost in thought.
Notary rituals are a kind of rituals, which, as the name implies, mean that notaries witness and grant contracts to make them mysterious and binding.
Different notarization rituals are different by means of secrecy.
Is it secret or waiting?
"Is it the ninth or tenth order or it?"
"It’s not an indescribable evil spirit, is it?"
He had such a worry that just now, the notarization ceremony arranged by the old man Bai Yao did rise up a little bit weak to explore the depths and extremely horrible atmosphere.
However, this smell is quite different from the fact that he’ looked directly at’ an evil god. No, it was not so creepy, and there was another kind of source that he could hardly tell clearly.
"The super power of notarization, ritual and secrecy seems to be common sense information, but I can get it at the fire!"
Just now, Qianqiu asked him what is secrecy.
Teacher Fang also wants to know this question. Why don’t you pester the old man with white hair to ask?
Fang you can pretend to be busy looking at the information of the future
"Taking over the ambush pavilion may be able to find the corresponding information, but the speed is fast."
During this trip, he arranged for Qianqiu to accompany the cabinet master to the broken sea, and at the same time, he transferred more than 30 people with management ability from the organization of the three senses and the four senses to take over the broken sea and set up a stronghold of the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires.
It’s not that he doesn’t want to send more professionals-professional accountants, lawyers, and personnel management masters-but this trip is risky to cross a large area, and even if there are myths accompanying him, he will still encounter sudden dangers. For the time being, this can be the case.
Just don’t know how much information can be harvested, and whether these materials will be transferred forward.
It seems to him that even if the notarization ceremony is very effective, it is not difficult to find out the loopholes in the contract terms with less than 300 words in total.
It also occurred to him that he had asked a team of lawyers to draw up a detailed and careful contract. It was because he was unfamiliar with notarization manners and kept the chamber of commerce mysterious that he put off such an idea.
Fang You has never pinned the constraint on a small ceremonial contract, which is more naturally due to income.
Even if you want revenge for the assassination of the cabinet master, it will be six months, a year, even several years and more than ten years later. At that time, it will be a fire …
Spectacular scenes of myth and arrangement appeared in his mind.
However, the attack on the myth of assassinating the cabinet master and Julius also exposed one of their own shortcomings.
-insufficient reconnaissance and early warning capabilities
If Julius didn’t disdain to hide and release the myth early, I’m afraid the poisonous fog would have enveloped the burning oasis long ago, but this can’t be said that the burning oasis is poor, because no matter which oasis a myth wants to hide, it is impossible to detect and find it.
Myth is the only way to find it.
On the other hand, stepping out of the oasis, there is a vast fog, which blocks the field of vision and there are mysterious evils wandering around. No matter what is arranged, it is difficult to conduct long-term investigation and early warning, let alone talk about it.
After thinking about the tour, I can’t think of any clue that most large oases and super oases can be used-that is, defending the oasis with defensive rituals and then detecting the barrier rituals to prevent the enemy from sneaking into the oasis.
Wait a minute. It seems that you didn’t detect the boundary rituals?
Fang You was lost in thought.
Ranhuo shopping mall
The auction successfully pushed the mall to a new height, defeated two incoming myths unscathed and pushed the mall to a higher position.
There is no doubt that there are three myths that sitting in the burning mall will become the whole falling star cave area, which is attracting attention in several surrounding areas
Not to mention the promise of burning fire will throw out the fruit every once in a while. With this point, the sea power should also be greedy. It is foreseeable that there will be a caravan going back and forth between burning fire mall and other places. In this trend, burning fire mall will develop into a magnificent and prosperous commercial city within ten years.
The only pity is that there are too few people in the Chamber of Commerce for Burning Fires, which may restrict the development of shopping malls and the expansion of oases.
Even so, shortly after the end of the myth war, many powerful forces rushed to the store leasing management office to rent a store and the power station to seize the shops in the prime location before the price was not high.
"It’s a pity that the shops and real estate in this burning mall can be leased and can’t be bought, and the longest lease is two years. I heard that long-term rent or purchase can only be made when the biennium arrives … but the rent must be much higher than it is now.
"Good directors have the foresight to rent a large shop at a lower price before the auction."
Pockerry is the blue director of the great confusion city.
Damian Luancheng ranks among the mythical management. There are three levels: the director in red, the director in blue and the director in yellow. Although it is not the highest level, Damian Luancheng is also a big shot. After all, the director in red is not the acting duke, the acting head of Milian Legion, or the commander of the garrison regiment.
The blue director Pockerry is in charge of many caravans, Damian Luanbao and many other aspects, and he also has his own chamber of commerce-because he is located in the neutral and chaotic zone of "Damian Luandao", there are many forces around Damian Luancheng, and the business is flourishing.
Compared with the rigid red-violet empire, the exclusive Gu Yue dynasty, and the decadent Seven Star Alliance, they are suspected of being like the rising sun in Ran Ran.
It is precisely because of this keen sense of business that Director Pockerry set fire to the oasis layout early, which has earned a lot of money and upgraded the size of his own chamber of commerce.

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