If she wants to save her life, she must keep her mouth shut.


Jesse said that she stopped her aunt from trying to harm me. She didn’t do anything to hurt me except serve my enemy Baiyun.
Listen, jesse told me that my forehead was slightly wrinkled.
I don’t just kill jesse in the white clouds, but I don’t know what the situation is.
Jesse saw the white clouds more than two months ago. It seems that after being seriously injured in the white clouds, he went straight to Japan. When he came to Japan in the white clouds, the first thing he saw was Xiao Kato Jun.
In Baiyun, Xiao Kato was deliberately let loose to Wang Haowen, which was a test for Wang Haowen in Baiyun. He still had doubts about Wang Haowen.
When Wang Haowen and Xiao Kato met, Xiao Kato kept beating around the bush. Wang Haowen’s true attitude in the white clouds must also be inspired by the white clouds.
Thought of here, I can’t help worrying about Wang Haowen’s situation.
Although Baiyun was seriously injured and didn’t dare to show up in the country, he was still staring at the situation in the dark and manipulating the forces he could control in the dark.
Glancing at the opposing side, begging me to let her go, trying to show her innocence, jesse, I teleported Goo Zi and Ruier Lv Xiaobei out of the Yinzhu, and told them that if I stopped this shopping mall for a few minutes.
Goo Tsai and Rui Er Lu Xiaobei had to leave soon, and the shopping mall where I was located fell into darkness.
When the darkness hit, the shopping mall suddenly fell into chaos.
I got up from my seat and left the enchantment. The enchantment force crushed jesse into dust.
I collected the tracking jesse, put the invisible paper man into the object ring, and took jesse to buy big bags. I went to the first floor of this shopping mall and then put Goo Tsai and Ruier Lv Xiaobei into Yinzhu.
Go to the guest lounge on the first floor and sit down. I’ll turn into jesse sound. Take out jesse’s cell phone and look for Kokato Junko’s phone number.
By the time I became successful, the mall would have returned to normal business.
I called Kokato Jun, and Kokato Jun soon got through. He asked me what I wanted with a little impatience in his voice.
I said that even if I lost a gold owner in the white clouds, I asked Xiao Kato Jun where he went in the white clouds and when he would come back.
Xiao Kato’s impatience in Jun’s voice increased, saying that Bai Yunzhong left in a hurry and didn’t contact him again, and he didn’t know where Bai Yunzhong had gone and when he would come back.
I asked Xiao Kato what I should do when he picked me up. I said that someone had just been sent in the white clouds, and I warned me not to talk nonsense.
Small kato jun tongue-tied several said that he sheltered from the wind and rain in the white clouds for so long, but I didn’t have this device to get a high look in the white clouds.
Now that I’m nowhere to be found in the white clouds, I’m also idle. If I have nothing to be busy at the moment, I’ll go to his villa to wait on him once and let him feel what it’s like to be a good thing in the mouth of the white clouds.
I said, in case I know it’s not good in the white clouds, little Kato Jun said that I can climb in the white clouds and he contributed a lot. I haven’t come to thank him yet.
It’s getting late in the white clouds. I don’t say he doesn’t say the roots in the white clouds don’t know what I did with him.
Little Kato Jun’s remark that the corner of my lips has been aroused in a few days has reminded me that in this case, I will go there now.
Small kato gentleman obscene voice said he bed after I urge me to hurry up, also hung up.
Jesse found a suit in the big bag. I found a remote place in the shopping mall to try on it, and turned into jesse to wear it.
Give up your clothes and belongings, and I’ll take the rest of the big bags and bags to Xiao Kato Jun’s villa
Lu, my cell phone rings.
Segmented reading 524
Tian Shanao called and asked me where I was at the moment. I told Tian Shanao that I had something to do and I would contact him again in an hour.
Hang up the phone and turn it to mute. I urge Shifu to speed up a few minutes.
Soon I arrived at the villa courtyard outside Kokato Jun Villa. When the bodyguard saw me coming, I hit the villa door directly.
Entering the villa and walking towards the villa, I saw that there were several corpses besides bodyguards in the villa yard, which were standing at the door of the first floor of the villa.
Those skeletons are all tattooed, and they are all of the same texture as the remains of the heads of Yichengmen in previous dynasties.
I have learned the knowledge of bones and tools from Goo Zi, and I know that the abilities of those corpses are better than those of ghosts.
When I arrived, the heads of the corpses turned to my direction.
Seeing those corpses, I panicked and stopped at once.
I’ll protect myself as soon as it gets dark when I return to Tokyo. I’m not worried that those corpses will peep through my physique.
Panic eyes glance at the bodyguards around me, and I will lower my head and speed up the pace of entering the villa.
I saw from the corner of my eyes that the corpses had recovered, and they stood motionless when I first saw them.
As soon as I passed those corpses, Koji Kato came out in his robe.
Small kato jun face with obscene limit smile to hug me.
I stepped aside and said I was sweaty. I’ll take good care of him after I wash up.
Little Kato Jun didn’t come again, and then he took me to his room and stared at me while walking.
As Xiao Kato entered his room, I saw a woman lying in Xiao Kato’s bed at the moment.
The first time I saw that woman, I teleported Goo Zi out of the Yin Zhu and made him immediately possess that woman.
Chapter seven hundred is coming.
At this time, Kokato Jun said that the woman was watching Kokato Jun tonight. At this point, his salty pig hand hit me again.
Look at Goo Tsai. When Xiao Kato Jun spoke, he possessed the woman in that bed. My little Kato Jun’s salty pig hand came at me, and the immediate boundary will be included.
Small Kato Jun, who was brought into the enchantment, stared at me with startled eyes and asked me what I really wanted to do and who I really was.
It doesn’t matter who I am when I step into the boundary. He needs to tell me exactly where I am in the white clouds.
Xiao Kato’s panic is hard to hide. Take a step back in the enchantment and even say that I am Lv Xiaoran and shout again.
I held my arms and looked at Koji Kato’s reaction. When he gave up his cry and looked at me again, I asked again where the white clouds were.
Once again, I asked about the exit, and the enchantment force imprisoned Xiao Kato Jun’s body and slowly tightened his neck in the enchantment.
Nothing in my knowledge can make people feel the smell of death more than suffocation.
It wasn’t until the eyes of Xiao Kato’s eyes suddenly exploded and he was dying that I removed my grip on the neck barrier, imprisoned my body barrier and waited for Xiao Kato’s mouth.
Little Kato Jun fell to the ground, clutching his neck, breathing fast and breathing fresh air, and then glanced at me with erratic eyes, saying that Baiyun had left Japan and seemed to have gone to Thailand.
When I heard the seemingly two words in Xiao Kato’s words, I snorted at Xiao Kato. I immediately said that in the white clouds, I went to Thailand, but he didn’t know where Thailand was in the white clouds.
Little Kato Jun quickly gave me a number saying that Baiyun sent someone to contact him through that number.
Little Kato Jun gave me the same number as the previous warning jesse.
I asked Kato Koji how he could remember that number so clearly. Kato Koji said that he has always had a good memory for numbers.
After answering my question, Xiao Kato explained to me urgently that he was forced by the white clouds when he helped Tokyo to find my trace.
He was afraid of my misunderstanding and wanted to explain it to me, but he couldn’t find me and didn’t know my new phone number.
Baiyun came to Tokyo again. Although he was seriously injured, it was still not that he could cope with it. He could make a compromise first.
Now that I finally come back, he will try his best to help me destroy the white clouds.
I couldn’t help laughing at shattered glass’s words-I said that’s it. It seems that I really misunderstood him.
Little Kato nodded and said, "Yes, I’ll ask him what it was that someone in Baiyun sent to call him."
I know what the other person said in Kato Koji’s retelling. Kato Koji mainly asked Kato Koji to continue to test Wang Haowen and try to find me in Tokyo, and at the same time let Kato Koji protect jesse and her mother.
Mr. Kato asked the other party when he said that he and the white clouds were all in Thailand, but he did not tell Mr. Kato the specific location of him and the white clouds.
The other party told Mr. Kato that Mr. Kato would change his phone number at any time if he called.

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