[Buried depth of sulfur mine is 2m to 3m]


【 The buried depth of lead-zinc mine is 5m to 15m 】
【 The buried depth of chromite is 39 meters to 155 meters 】
Lin Yue looked at the screen flashing numbers and looked around at the natural sulfur ore.
What’s up
Sulfur is a kind of ore here?
And it still accounts for 17%? He’s more than two?
This wave …
This wave seems to have earned a little bit!
Lead-zinc mine can produce "zinc"
If the iron block goes to the smelting furnace, then the zinc alloy seems to be self-sufficient
More than that
"Chromite … can meet this kind of good thing? It seems true that I went out today! "
Chromite is no joke.
A variety of special steels with high strength, corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high temperature resistance and oxidation resistance are produced with ferrochrome alloy steel additives.
Metal chromium is mainly used for smelting special alloys with cobalt, nickel, tungsten and other elements. These special steels and special alloys are indispensable materials for the production of guns, missiles, rockets, ships and so on in aerospace, automobile and shipbuilding industries.
Aerospace … and all kinds of weapons and tools.
Need a lot of this stuff!
Now there are not only many but also many. It seems that we can look forward to this wave!
Chapter 451 The third sub-base is built! Composite mineral density harvesting!
The towering city wall rises from the natural sulfur ore mountain.
As the new city wall continues to stand, it forms a barrier and wraps the whole natural sulfur ore mountain around it.
And this also gives the third sub-base in Lin Yue a rough prototype.
One side is about one kilometer long, which is a total of four kilometers. The stone needed by the wall is directly delivered, and there is still a little surplus. All the stone in Lin Yue’s hand is almost consumed in an instant.
In the end, it was not enough, so he had to exchange half of the canned spicy donkey-headed lion steak just released from the mall for stone.
Fortunately, these are more sought after. After all, alloys are hard to find, but stones are everywhere.
"The canned food business is good. It seems that it has made a pretty good start."
The sales of canned meat chops with medium and spicy donkey-headed lion are extremely hot.
In particular, after he replaced half of them with stones that needed to be exchanged, it seemed to directly trigger a terrible panic buying!
Quotations are endless, and the prices are higher than each other.
This small pot of roots is not enough for these hundreds of thousands of people to rob
You know, this is a "leader-limited" bidding model, and it can be said that nearly one-fifth of the refuge villages in this different world have joined this snapping up!
"Sure enough, everyone still likes spicy food, and it seems that the donkey-headed lion is far more popular than blind fish hunting?"
Lin Yue feels that if he wants to just lie flat and need to catch blind hunting fish or donkey-headed lions every day, he can live a very rich life.
But in the end, he gave up the idea.
After all, lying flat is not what he likes.
In exchange for enough stone, Lin Yue also breathed a sigh of relief after the wall was built.
I didn’t expect that the most basic material stuck in my neck for a long time and it really wasted a lot of time.
But this situation will not happen again.
After all, this natural sulfur ore mountain has the most stones except all kinds of ores, and there are many stones at hand. He needs canned goods in exchange for stones, so he won’t be embarrassed by this simple material.
At the moment, 50 robot dogs have been programmed by Lin Yue, and now those natural sulfur ores have been mined.
Of course, there will still be a division of labor
Thirty heads, ten heads, ten heads, ten heads, wall alert.

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