Jia Yelian came from the car and shook hands with several officials. When it was the mayor’s turn, he couldn’t help but lower his voice and asked, "Is Manager Zhuang here?"


"Manager Zhuang? Coming! " Mayor Jia hurriedly said, then pointed to Dad Zhuang behind him, "Here’s always Zhuang."
Jia Yelian looked at Dad Zhuang blankly.
Who are you, please?
At this time, the good assistant lowered his voice to help Jia Yelian solve the problem. "This is the father not far from Zhuang!"
At that moment, there was a spark in Jia Yelian’s eyes.
It’s you!
You are the bastard who gave birth to people like Zhuang not far away!
Without you, there would be no village in this world!
It’s all your fault! It’s all your fault!
He shook hands with Dad Zhuang violently, as if he were going to crush Dad Zhuang to death and then everything would be settled.
"I’ve heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you!"
Jia Yelian simply gnashed her teeth, and even her smile was ferocious at that moment.
If possible, he really wants to interview a father. "How do you feel about being a blackmailer’s father? How do you explain the many victims of your son’s persecution? Do you want to apologize! "
Looking at the two people holding hands, the onlookers all cast a shocked look at Zhuang Dad.
Ah, look at Uncle Zhuang Zi. Even Jia Yelian is holding his hand!
"Mr. Jia!" Assistant Jia Yelian woke him up from behind. He took a deep breath and patted Dad Zhuang’s hand.
Ah, look at me. I’ll shoot you to death!
Next to a few people wonder and asked.
"Uncle Lao Zhuang, do you know General Jia?"
"I don’t know."
"That jia always know uncle zhuang zi?"
"That seems more great …"
He shook hands with Zhuang’s father and Jia Yelian dragged him over to Jia’s mayor. "I said, isn’t this general manager Zhuang and general manager Xiao Zhuang?"
"Xiaozhuang always? Which small village is always there? "
"It’s just that Zhuang Zi’s son Zhuang is not far away."
"Hey that stupid little … what do you ask him? I don’t know where I went to walk the dog with the eagle … "Mayor Jia looked around and saw that Zhuang was not far away, surrounded by several basketball sisters and sitting on the steps not far away and staring at each other with a few silly goods." Well, there’s nothing wrong with Brother Zhuang. He’s just too disappointing. He’s really worried that he’s not walking the dog with the eagle all day or fooling around with girls … "
Then he waved his hand discontentedly. "Go, go, you bear children sit and get out of the way!" "
Several younger sisters turned several supercilious glances at Mayor Jia, and then surrounded Zhuang and didn’t go away.
Jia Yelian wanted to hold Mayor Jia and shout, Are you idiots blind?
Mom, it’s this bastard who knocked me away in one sentence!
Mom, it’s these girls who are not far from Zhuang who beat our flag professional men’s basketball team like Sun!
Even if you hide Bss and pretend to be a mobster, you can’t really treat him as a mobster!
Jia Yelian just wanted to chase after him and say a word not far from Zhuang when he was surrounded by a group of people and walked to the rostrum. He wanted to struggle, but he couldn’t hold back the enthusiasm of the people around him.
"Manager Jia, this way, please."
"Jia always you sit …"
"Jia always …"
Jia Yelian grabbed the mayor of Jia and said, "Manager Zhuang …"
"Don’t worry, Zhuang always sits beside you and you can have a good talk …"
After five minutes, Dad Zhuang sat beside Jia Yelian.
Jia Yelian, that angry mother sold me a batch. I don’t want this manager Zhuang. I want another one!
Then Jia Yelian saw Zhuang not far away sitting on the stage with a group of sisters and bears pretending to be an audience.

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