Dark clouds overwhelm the city, and hundreds of mountains and rivers are coming.


In front of the temple, it was even more tense. After the twelve stars broke out in the sky, several believers around it felt stressed and breathed heavily.
They looked at Liancheng tactic.
Countless eyes converge on Liancheng, but what makes him feel hot most is Long Xing’s flaming eyes.
The disciple Lian Cheng Ji, a high-ranking star, knows his teacher very well.
He knows very well that he will not be carried away by anger, let alone lose his mind.
Because of the jihad, it is no longer a two-dragon meeting, but a three-legged struggle!
Before the murder has moved, the teacher must spare no effort to kill himself by thunder. Only in this way can he not give the demon star a chance to take advantage of it.
Lian Liancheng is very cautious.
From that moment on, he decided to plan this matter. He has always been very cautious and has never relaxed for a moment, especially when his teacher is faced with the murder of Kuixing Tianlong!
He leaned out his palm.
In the shaking hands of the sword, the thunder walks at the sword grid.
His feet glowed with gold.
The golden light is covered with golden armor, while the golden armor is covered with layers.
Covered with golden light, Liancheng strategics waved his robe conveniently, and suddenly there were clothes set up. I don’t know when the Xiaguang holy clothes were put on and lifted with the wind behind him.
Seeing that the elder brother was wearing a golden robe and holding a lamella in his hand, Jun Zeyu knew that the time had come for him to print with his hands.
Green light flashing three green flags neatly arranged in front of you.
His printing method changes
Several eyes and three green flags fly to the stormy sky in three directions.
Surrounded by the green hills around the temple, I saw that the green flag was flying higher and higher, just like the visible palm on the top of the green hill on three sides, south, west and east. The streamer of the three-pole green flag suddenly disappeared and reappeared. The three-pole green flag has been held in the hand.
Those three people are surrounded by green hills and clouds.
Wearing armor, he is straight and slender.
Don’t wait for everyone to be surprised. Three people happen to coincide to wave the green flag.
At the same time, there was a strange gale on three sides of the castle peak in the south, west and east. The gale rolled up dark clouds, rolled up dust clouds and steamed fog to cover everyone’s sight.
At this moment, the heavens and the earth around the temple rang out, and ten thousand people fought in unison, shaking the heavens and the earth!
The sound echoed in my ears, and I was in a trance before the eyes of hundreds of believers, and all of them saw the torrent of armor.
There are countless armored soldiers on three sides of the castle, looming with the dust!
Some people can’t help but exclaim that hundreds of believers have realized that everything is not an illusion. The castle peak is the East Chu armor under the banner of the East Chu King!
Three flag bearers, Su Xiaofan, Weiyangsheng and Wu Xiuyang, fell to their knees in unison.
Behind him, 30 thousand armored soldiers shouted "see the king!" "
"See the king!"

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