

Grabbed at the FuJian, but it didn’t fall into the trap. The sword made me feel numb when I grabbed it.
The mage seized the opportunity to shoot a white light from his left hand, which was the bone Taoist temple, and the bone nail burst into the head of the demon and went out with the Yuan God.
Showing his true colors is a pheasant.
Unit constant side immediately morale.
"Who will kill the Taoist priest for me?"
The corpse king was furious.
General Zhang immediately well-documented.
Smashed the mage with a mace, but he didn’t dare to pick up the sword and dodged it. Then he confused General Zhang with a double act.
Swish swish.
I didn’t know that the bones were nailed through the soul, but this time it didn’t work. This fellow’s fur is too hard.
"Haha, this is true."
The mace flew up and smashed the left one to pieces. A wisp of Yuan God tried to escape and was swallowed by General Zhang.
After the victory, mace picked up the remains and threw them to the demons to enjoy.
One win and one loss.
Unit Heng didn’t expect to hit the face so quickly. I was just happy. I didn’t have a quarter of an hour before my morale went up and then went down.
"What is that a monster? Stop returning to the younger brother’s bones and penetrate the soul. Did the nail actually fail? "
A middle-aged mage doubt way
"Well, I don’t know which Gao Gong wants to play again to save morale?"
Unit constant asked back.
Mages, look at me. I’ll look at you
Their minimum practice is to refine the spirit realm and cultivate the spirit of Yin and the spirit of anti-emptiness. There are also a few real people, but they are not sure how to deal with those big demons.
But I can’t do it if I don’t go. I’m losing my reputation and losing my prestige
"I’d better go!"
An alchemist with great skill came out.
"Brother Fuan, be careful."
The name is Fuan mage driving a gust of wind flying half drink a way.
"Which demon will lead to death!"
The corpse king on the monster’s side looked at the sidewalk and said, "General Leopard, where are you going?"
The leopard immediately smiled and said, "It’s just a good time to exercise your hands and feet and relax your muscles."
Like a flash straight at the mage.
Chapter 45 Third brother mountain scorpion essence meritorious service
A mutilated corpse fell.
Master Fuan was torn to pieces by the leopard general without even shoring up the ten joints.
Fast is really as fast as lightning.
Where did Unit Heng dare to fight again? Immediately, he hung up the battle card and said that he would fight again tomorrow.
In the camp, Unit Heng, General Staff, Pianjian Zuoguan and a dozen high-tech wizards gathered together, but no one spoke.
In particular, Unit Heng said yesterday to invite Master Bones View, but today he invited two real dead bodies on the spot.
Who will you invite now?
"I’ll go back and ask the master."
A mage said that now they are afraid to send rations to monsters and ask their masters for help.
Immediately Arihoshi got up and left.
It’s faster for Ying Yuan to escape, but the risk of this mountain monster is too great.
The master of Baiguguan frowned at the other brother and said, "When we know the day, reinforcements will go back to protect the camp, especially the important places such as grain and grass."
The mage immediately turned to the camp to tell everyone.
I heard that there was another reinforcements unit Heng, so I was relieved to order the soldiers to guard after their respective rest.
The Great Immortal summoned three younger brothers to discuss the five poisons.
"You three have gone to the mountain to help Feiyun’s army."
Wudu Daxian direct way
"Master, why should we care about those mortals?"
Scorpion essence directly asked
Taoist toad and Wu Ming look at each other with five poisons and big immortals. It shouldn’t be a compassionate person to help the world, right?
"First, I don’t want to see the soldiers angry and the pulse here is broken. Second, the white bone watcher has gone. Don’t let me down."

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