"Don’t be sad, everyone. 9 The college league is a small event, and our goal has never been this kind of competition."


"In addition, I believe that all the schools in the 9 colleges and universities know the strength comparison between us and Tsinghua University. What if they win?"
"And please remember what I just said."
"We think we will never let you lose another abnormal game."
"Absolutely not!"
Chapter one hundred and thirteen Nothing wrong
Warm current runs through the heart.
At the moment, the other four players of Magic Capital Fudan University looked at Fang Xiang firmly.
"Take this game"
Fang wants to go to the position where the curtain just ended and leave, and wear headphones. When the music of Fantasy Westward Journey game rings in his ears, his lips move slightly.
"let everyone know what it costs to provoke us."
The tone is still so understated, but at this moment, Han Xuanxuan is naked, even if everyone in Shuihe and Jingba seems to be infected by Fang Xiang, if Fang Xiang wants to join the dreamer team again at this time, Jingba doesn’t know whether to say Yes or n.
Because Fang wanted to be in Beijing, he felt as charming as Suk.
It’s a unique leader.
Ten minutes passed quickly.
The countdown to the battle also ended.
"Do you say that the magic capital Fudan University can fight in several rounds in this game?"
"It’s hard to say. The former magic capital Fudan University and Tsinghua University played two games, and the results were unsatisfactory."
"But now the command of Fudan University is back. He is the captain of the dreamer team! The elite cup noodles with the dreamer team almost won the championship! Moreover, before his performance, everyone should have seen it. Which of Wuhan University and Finance is not the top schools in a 9-year college league, but it has not been harvested in several rounds? "
"I personally feel that Fudan University, the magic capital, is a BUG. No matter whether the opponent is strong or weak, it will be taken away in several rounds."
Talk about it
And party want to at the moment and didn’t mean these buzz.
His eyes crossed the screen, and every player in Tsinghua University’s game role swept by.
"Tang government, Wuzhuangguan, Fangcun Mountain, Fangcun Mountain, daughter village?"
Look at the typical three-seal and two-output array of Tsinghua University array opposite.
Is this the kind of manpower that the predecessors of Beijing Ba defeated?
"Is the previous speed the hand of the predecessor of Beijing-Pakistan or the opposite hand of daughter village?"
Party want to small asked 1.
"Oh, my hand"
Jing Bayin replied in a very small voice. When he said this, his face was on fire. It was true that in the first two battles, they crushed their opponents in all aspects, but his failure in command led to the defeat of Fudan University, the magic capital
"that line"
Fang Xiang nodded his head and then said to the crowd
"At the beginning, the predecessor of Jingba controlled the other side’s No.3 square inch mountain, and then daughter village directly swept away the Gank of the annihilation regardless of his Xuanxuan predecessor, and then if Brother Shui broke an opposite side of another square inch mountain BB, two blood attacks followed Ping A, and if Brother Shui broke the square inch mountain, he left the opposite No.1 BB point."
"to me"
Fang Xiang smiled.
"I’ll level the square inch mountain opposite A this round."
Han Xuanxuan and others are all an ash when they hear Fang Xiang’s words.
What did Fang want to say just now? This round, he will send a dime out to seal Fang Cunshan Ping A?
"Not the anchor brother, I know you have a strong command, but you can’t do this, can you?"
If the water is hard, if it rolls over again, it won’t be a problem with Beijing bus …
And if you hear water, you want to smile. The so-called way
"If you don’t believe me, the fight will definitely be solved in five rounds anyway."
Although everyone thinks that if Shui is right, Fang wants to go his own way.
"Ah, you …"
If the water comes and you don’t talk, because the first round has already started.
Everyone’s eyes are on the Beijing-Bashi temple.
Choose to seal the opponent’s third square inch mountain.
Successful hit!
After the Beijing bus shot, daughter village also chose to give Han Xuanxuan a wave of bait hides the hook.
When I saw this, I wanted to raise my mouth.
Are you afraid that Han Xuanxuan’s predecessors will break the pair?
After all, the explosion output in the low level is broken, which is more than the bloody attack or direct killing.
After all, you are also a seal or an assistant. What can you do without MP mana? You can’t keep playing stunts, can you
Sook didn’t say anything about this wave of fuck. It seems that everything on the scene is still going on in an orderly way, and there is no situation that makes him shine.
And Tsinghua University’s quick daughter village shot is finished, and then he wants the dreamer F to grab the front of two square-inch mountains opposite.
Choose …
Another square inch mountain opposite Ping A.
And Fang wants this wave of Ping A to make everyone stare big eyes.
"Holy shit, is this funny?"
"Square inch mountain flat A? What kind of routine is this? Is the sky bright and square? But it’s not right. This dreamer F didn’t show his output ability before. Besides, how high can he hurt when he is so fast? "
"It’s not a mistake, is it?"
The other shore flower frowned and hesitated to say

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