If it weren’t for luck, what would it be like to meet the owner himself?


It’s centuries ago to recall Jia Yixin’s wandering days.
What’s swaggering? It’s all an illusion
Gao Xie has seen real prestige.
The landlord’s iron palms beat those rich people to their knees and beg for mercy. That’s power and prestige.
The landlord said, "My manor focuses on money!" You can extort hundreds of millions of dollars. That’s awesome.
The landlord casually throws a barbecue, and the whole virtual city people flock to it. That’s power and prestige.
Compared with the owner of the villa, what is the prestige?
Gao Xie just wanted to talk when he suddenly heard an engine roar. I don’t know when a car stopped at the side of the barbecue stall.
And blew up the engine in a coquettish way
"You guys are drinking!" A familiar sound came from the car.
"Big boy!" The tall crab looked surprised when he saw the man laughing.
But I didn’t see the strange expressions of my brothers behind me.
Big boy and Gao Xie hugged and smiled and looked at Gao Xie. "Did the brothers and brothers tell you?"
"What?" High crab is stupefied.
"I have a new boss," Big Boy pointed to the driveway behind him. "Look, this car is given to me by the boss!"
The tall crab is a little at a loss.
"I’m the boss, you probably heard of Zhong Laoba! Big business! " Big boy patted his chest. "Road flyover knows that people are helpful. You see, I just bought a car after two votes …"
Clock? High crab eyebrows a wrinkly think of a person.
"This ….." The high crab grabbed the big boy. "How could you …"
If Gao Xie and his ex-henpeckers bully men and bully women, street gangsters can barely be regarded as gray areas, and people hate dogs, then Boss Zhong is really a black figure.
It’s a decapitation sin to get involved in any of his business!
"Hey, brother crab, don’t be melodramatic." Big boy sneered. "Why don’t we people do this?"
"You look at those people who were two years younger than me. Two years ago, they bought luxury cars. What about Xiaohao? Women around you change one day … "
"Why didn’t you say Xiaohao would be shot this fall?" The high crab is angry
"What’s the matter with the shot? It’s better to have a beautiful day in two years than to have a generation so timid! Seeking wealth and danger may leave a pension for the old lady! " Big boy is impassioned. "So what if you are alive when you are so timid?" What can you do if you don’t know anything? Brother crab, you are looking at thirty years old, and in another twenty years, what can you do if you are single and a child is alive? Still not waiting to die? What if you lose your life! "
"Do you think so?" Gao Xie looked at his brother around him.
"I … we want to listen to you …" Brothers she said.
On the one hand, it is a desperate career of licking blood, on the other hand, it is doomed to sink into the bottom life.
How to choose?
"Brother crab, don’t struggle. Is it interesting to mix people all day? I have seen this shit society clearly. It is a lie for you to behave yourself and try to change your life! " Big boy thundered, "We people are driven around like dogs. It’s no fun to live. What’s the difference between dying at thirty and dying at fifty?" What if I don’t even live to be a hundred? I’d rather die at the age of 30! "
The tall crab stood there dumbfounded.
He tried to refute Big Boy’s words, but he didn’t know how to refute them at all.
He looked at his brothers with expectant eyes and couldn’t even say a word.
He thought of the serious injury to Tiger, and he wanted to help but was rejected.
Yeah, what the hell am I? What’s the point of me living? If people like me are not lucky enough to meet the landlord, what is my value and significance?
What’s my way out of life except getting a peanut?
What is the difference between me now and before?
Same energy
You can’t change yourself or others.
Not to mention trying to change the world.
I’m a fucking loser
What is it for me to live as a loser? Wave food?
Gao Xie doesn’t even know how he left the barbecue stall.
He doesn’t know how long he’s been wandering outside.
Until the sky began to rise, the fish-belly white street gradually became noisy with pedestrians, the breakfast stall came out, and the running sports students came out.
Suddenly Gao Xie saw a small shop next to him.
The shopkeeper is putting up posters.
"New elementary school, junior high school textbooks and supplementary books are welcome to buy …"
Suddenly, Gao Xie, a tingle, suddenly remembered the words of the former graduate students.
"Learn high school biology first …"
"Learn medicine for another five years …"
"When the experimental assistant for three years …"
When the tie is high, the crab walks to the shop and asks, "Boss, do you have high school biology?"
"How high is it?"

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“仙林专业推拿”位于上海市中心地段,交通便利,环境优雅。走进店内,首先映入眼帘的是宽敞明亮的接待大厅,墙上挂着各种推拿技术的介绍,让顾客对推拿有了初步的了解。店内设有多个治疗室,每个治疗室都配有舒适的按摩床和专业的按摩师,为顾客提供私密、舒适的治疗环境。 “仙林专业推拿”拥有一支经验丰富的按摩师团队,他们均经过严格的培训和考核,具备丰富的临床经验。在推拿过程中,按摩师会根据顾客的具体情况,制定个性化的治疗方案。无论是颈椎病、腰椎间盘突出、肩周炎等职业病,还是肌肉劳损、风湿骨痛等亚健康问题,都能在这里得到有效的缓解。 在推拿手法上,“仙林专业推拿”独具特色。他们传承了中医推拿的精髓,结合现代按摩技术,形成了一套独特的推拿手法。在推拿过程中,按摩师会运用揉、捏、按、推等多种手法,使顾客在轻松愉悦的氛围中,享受到专业的推拿服务。 除了传统的推拿服务外,“仙林专业推拿”还提供多种特色项目,如足疗、刮痧、拔罐等。这些项目可以与推拿相结合,起到协同治疗的效果。例如,足疗可以促进血液循环,缓解疲劳;刮痧可以疏通经络,改善体质;拔罐可以祛湿散寒,缓解疼痛。这些特色项目受到了顾客的一致好评。 “仙林专业推拿”注重顾客的体验,始终以顾客的需求为导向。在店内,顾客可以享受到一对一的服务,按摩师会根据顾客的反馈,不断调整手法,确保治疗效果。此外,店内还设有休息区,顾客在治疗结束后可以在此休息,享受一杯香茶,放松身心。 随着人们对健康生活的追求,越来越多的养生保健机构应运而生。然而,“仙林专业推拿”凭借其独特的技艺、优质的服务和良好的口碑,在众多养生保健机构中脱颖而出。在这里,顾客可以找到属于自己的健康之道,远离疾病的困扰,拥有一个舒适、健康的生活。 总之,“仙林专业推拿”是一家值得信赖的养生保健机构。在这里,顾客可以享受到专业、贴心的服务,感受到推拿带给自己的身心愉悦。如果你也想体验一下传统中医推拿的魅力,不妨来“仙林专业推拿”一试。在这里,你定会收获一个健康、快乐的生活。


导语:随着生活节奏的加快,人们对于健康养生的需求日益增长。在这个快节奏的都市生活中,一个舒适的桑拿馆成为了都市人放松身心、缓解压力的绝佳去处。今天,就让我们走进位于上海繁华地带的Toscala桑拿馆,一探究竟。 一、Toscala桑拿馆的背景 Toscala桑拿馆成立于2010年,位于上海市中心区域,是一家集桑拿、SPA、健身、餐饮于一体的综合性休闲场所。自开业以来,凭借其优质的服务、舒适的环境和专业的技术,吸引了众多顾客前来体验。 二、Toscala桑拿馆的特色 1. 独特的装修风格 Toscala桑拿馆的装修风格简约而不失大气,充满了时尚感和现代感。馆内设有多个功能区域,包括桑拿房、SPA房、健身区、休息区等,每个区域都采用了不同的装饰风格,让顾客在享受服务的同时,也能感受到独特的氛围。 2. 专业的服务团队 Toscala桑拿馆拥有一支专业的服务团队,他们经过严格的培训和考核,具备丰富的服务经验。在为顾客提供服务的过程中,他们始终以客户为中心,力求为每一位顾客提供最优质的服务。…