But his body is also drying up and shrinking at the moment, and he has once again drained himself.


The fist stuffed into Kun Oster’s mouth absorbed the strength of the body, and the flesh and blood were directly transpired and cleaned up into a blazing white ball. The light came out of generate, four faces of Kun Oster.
Boom !
This destructive ball of light went straight to Quinn Oster’s mouth.
His head was blown into hundreds of pieces like a broken chip and shot in all directions.
And Tang Chuan was cut in half, and his body was broken by the powerful force contained in the weapon, and his bones were all powdered.
If Kun Oster is bullying at this moment, Tang Chuangen will not have a chance to heal himself completely, and will be beaten to dust smaller than dust.
However, how can Tang Chuan choose to hit each other hard without any consideration?
Quinn Oster’s head was blown up for a moment, and I don’t know if he meant it or not. Most of the materials in the tiny chip that was blown up were sputtered towards Tang Chuan’s body.
Once again, Tang Chuan’s ugly body will be riddled with holes.
However, Kunn Oster’s injury is definitely more serious. The pursuit of incorruptible treasure is to be strong and indestructible, and sacrifice is his healing ability.
This head has spent a lot of time, although it still maintains the heroic appearance of waving weapons, but without it, it just stands there like a sculpture.
Tang Chuan’s body heals again because Quinn Oster’s strong strength is still as dense as a nuclear explosion, and the recovery speed is extremely slow for him
However, Kun Oster was even worse. Hundreds of crystalline things gradually closed and tried to reassemble his head. His source was shaken, and even if he reassembled, he was weakened.
And Tang Chuangen didn’t give him a chance. Six arms each grabbed a handful of chips, and two restless heads looked up and swallowed a few pieces.
Only to find that the broken body even lost its stomach, and the root of its strong digestive ability ran out from the throat where the chip was swallowed and from the hole in the chest.
Chapter 373 Strange ending
This super Uber duel is not as wonderful as expected, and it is not as good as some ordinary strong people.
The reason is Tang Chuanshen.
His way is too wild, but it is the most effective and precise blow.
Almost from the beginning to the end, the two men are fighting each other with qi and blood. Tang Chuan is too fast. Kun Ostergen will not distance himself from him and release his big move at close range. He may also cause his rigidity and give the other side a chance.
That mouth gun was still a sudden blow that Kunn Oster had been brewing for a long time.
The two people fighting can be compared with two high-level street gangsters fighting each other, and their bodies are almost not too much. From the perspective of onlookers, the effect is naturally not so amazing.
If you can avoid each other’s attacks by pouting, neither of them will pay attention to any superior style, especially if Tang Chuan should pout or have to pout.
If inserting eyes and digging out big birds can give each other a heavy blow, it is also foolish not to seize the opportunity to display it.
Because fighting here is not only about honor, but also about the possibility of death. The winner can not only climb to the top of the top 100 list to get back the honor, but also live to despise his opponent’s superior temperament, which is either a stepping stone of cannon fodder or a real ability to crush the strength.
And in ultra-close combat, one of their defensive enemies is immortal, and a flexible self-healing ability is full, which can cause effective blows. There are only a few key points.
Those two people who don’t pursue an absolutely favorable blow can’t tell the difference between victory and defeat until next year. Do you expect back rubs and tickles to kill people?
Quinn Oster’s head and body are still standing, waving in his hand, and the long-handled weapon still shows absolute strength and ferocity.
Tang Chuan’s hand was buzzing with crystal fragments to get out of his control.
Physical strength and destructive energy prevent him from healing, but his strong recovery ability is still visible to the naked eye to heal the body.
In the air, Quinn Oster was strong and Naiyin said, "I lost less than 20 thousand strokes."
Those crystal fragments gathered from all sides gradually produced a broken face.
When Tang Chuan heard this sentence, he also let go of the crystal fragments in his hand and let them fly away to form a complete cheek of Kun Oster.
The other side has hurt the source, even if both sides heal at the same time, they are almost full, and it is difficult for Kunn Oster to compete with Tang Chuan again when he hits the body hard.
Not to mention being caught with a few large pieces of crystal, the self-healing speed of Kunoster is not comparable to that of Tang Chuan.
The outcome was thus unexpectedly divided.
Not far away watching this scene, Duke sighed and smiled and shook his head.
Not as good-looking as expected, but not as anxious as expected, 20,000 strokes made the Buddha win.
But this bid farewell to the first world war, at best, is still unfinished, at worst, it is a bit unsightly.
You have to measure the number of roads of the Buddha. It’s weird. It’s strange that the Farah distance can be played wonderfully.
After giving up the shackles of his fragments, Kun Oster Tang Chuan took the lead in reviving, and his head with fine cracks was reassembled into a heroic body.
Sculpture-like body also gained energy for a while and regained vitality, gradually gathering up the attack and cutting potential and carrying weapons behind him.
Quinn Oster looked a little pale and gradually recovered. Tang Chuan didn’t mean to shoot again
Now that we have given up and the other side is very confident that our own people have loosened the fragments, the battle has already ended.
Tang Chuan’s last piece of flesh and blood grew out slowly from the ground, and the two men looked at each other. There was a master appreciate each other who nodded to each other.
But for a moment, Quinn Oster froze with laughter.
At the moment, the left head laughed wildly and sneered, "How bad is the garbage? I didn’t even know your mother when I hit her with two fists and three feet."

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