Qingtian emperor Chao treasure house


The treasure house of Qingtian Emperor Dynasty is the root of the treasure house of Qingtian Emperor Dynasty, which was excavated by one side, and the small world was vast, but it was taken by Qingtian Emperor Dynasty to hide the treasure.
Qing Di and the yellow robe Buddha never dreamed that they would be defeated so cleanly that they didn’t even have a chance to escape. They didn’t make any arrangements for Qingtian Emperor to go to the treasure house.
Under normal circumstances, if Qing Di and the Yellow-robed Buddha perceive something is wrong, they will surely hide the treasure house in the emptiness for the first time, and no one can find it unless they know what the treasure house is.
However, this defeat was so fast that Qing Di themselves did not consider him, not to mention him. Now this treasure house has also fallen into the hands of the Great God.
Wang Yang, the records of the Great God Dynasty, has now opened the treasure house with the staff of the East Factory and the Royal Guards West Factory to check and register the treasures hidden in the treasure house.
Wang Yang’s body in a blue robe exudes a strong breath of Tianzhu, and the Great God Dynasty and the records of Wang Yang’s body bear a lot of vitality. There are really few people who can match it.
Especially as the Great God took over, the first benefit of the soaring vitality of the Qing Emperor towards the Great God was the high-level core like Wang Yang.
Just as Wang Yang was looking around, he suddenly saw a rainy field striding towards Wang Yang and saluting him, "I’ve seen the records of adults!"
Wang Yang nodded faintly. "What can I do for you, Governor?"
Yuhua Tian’s face turned to Wang Yang with a somewhat dignified color. "The official found that a place is important, please ask the records of adults to move!"
Wang Yang can’t help but eyebrows a pick for yuhuatian Wang Yang naturally familiar but also very understanding for yuhuatian temperament.
Can make yuhuatian so seriously afraid of finding that it is not easy? Wang Yang immediately followed yuhuatian.
This is a temple, and there are not many temples in this world. According to Wang Yang’s statistics, there are only dozens of them.
And there are very precious treasures in every temple. It is said that what precious treasures are there in this temple? I just don’t know what will make Yuhuatian pay so much attention.
Yuhua Tian sideways. "Records of adults, please!"
Walking into the temple, the temple didn’t see any treasures as Wang Yang thought, but there was a portrait.
This portrait hangs in the middle, while the other side is the console table. If nothing unexpected happens, it should be this portrait.
Here is the treasure house of Qingtian Emperor, supposedly Qing Di and Huangpao Tianzun. Their private property is absolutely inaccessible to others except them.
But there should be such a portrait here, and people are looking at it with a solemn look in Wang Yang’s heart.
"Can it be said that this portrait is Qing Di, or is it a yellow robe Buddha who respects them?"
If not, that’s fine, but if this portrait is really what the yellow robe Buddha said, then this portrait is not that simple
It can even be said that if this portrait is given by Qing Di, the significance of this portrait will be even more complicated.
Looking at that portrait, the portrait is impressively a figure, which is covered with armor and faintly has a dragon-shaped virtual shadow.
It’s a pity that this figure is just a figure, but you can’t see whether the other party is like it or not.
Eyes shifted from that portrait, but for a moment, Wang Yang’s eyes fell on the table, and he saw that the table was impressively sealed by one side. When he glanced at Wang Yang, his face was a clot.
"Qingtian Emperor Seal!"
This side of the seal turned out to be the seal of the Qingtian Emperor. Although Qing Di ordered the Qingtian Emperor to go to the root, it was not the seal of the Qingtian Emperor, but it was a symbol of the Qingtian Emperor’s majestic fate. For the Qingtian Emperor, the Qingtian Emperor seal was definitely a treasure.
But at the moment, such a big seal is set on the table. What do you think is like being taken as a portrait of Qingtian Emperor.
Take a deep breath and Wang Yang looked more dignified and nodded at the same ugly rain field. The two of them slowly launched the house.
When Wang Yang came out of the temple, he immediately shouted at Yuhuatian, "The viceroy immediately sent someone to block this place and never allowed anyone to enter without permission."
Speaking Wang Yang will send the message back for the first time.
With ChuYi YouRan chess Zhu Houzhao’s face is permeated with something of a smile. Look at that posture, it seems that the chess game has a faint wind.
Chuyi eyebrows a pick at the same time, Zhu Houzhao also looked up at Chuyi, and they received the news from Wang Yang at the same time.
Chu Yi shouted at Zhu Houzhao, "Let’s go and see what’s going on!"
Zhu Houzhao mused, "Great companion invited Wu Anjun and Wen Xinhou to go with them so that I can feel at ease!"
The news that Wang Yang came back was so amazing that Zhu Houzhao naturally dared not care.
Chu Yi thought for a moment and said, "That’s easy!"
Qingtian emperor Chao treasure house
Chu Yitong Leitian, Reese, and Lv Buwei’s figures were torn apart, and directly appeared at the entrance of Qingtian Emperor’s treasure house.

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导语:近年来,随着人们生活节奏的加快,压力的增大,都市人越来越注重身心健康。桑拿作为一种流行的休闲方式,深受广大消费者的喜爱。而《上海桑拿419》则成为了一种特殊的社交现象,本文将为您揭秘这一现象背后的故事。 一、桑拿419:一种特殊的社交现象 “419”原本是指“一夜情”,而“桑拿419”则是指在桑拿场所发生的各种社交活动。在上海,桑拿419已成为都市人的一种隐秘休闲方式。它不仅是一种放松身心的方式,更是一种社交平台,让人们在汗水中相识、相知、相恋。 二、桑拿419的缘起 1. 生活压力:随着生活节奏的加快,都市人面临着巨大的生活压力。桑拿作为一种放松身心的方式,成为人们寻求舒缓压力的途径。 2. 社交需求:在快节奏的生活中,人们渴望结识新朋友,拓展人际关系。桑拿场所成为了一个理想的社交平台。 3. 桑拿文化:桑拿起源于芬兰,逐渐传入我国,成为一种流行的休闲方式。在上海,桑拿文化已深入人心,人们将桑拿视为一种时尚、高雅的生活方式。…