"This is my home. You can feel at ease and no one will disturb you."


After he finished, he also went to close the healing by himself.
The first world war hit four people hard. Although Zhen-dong Fang was forced to go, they were also badly injured.
Su Ying was placed in a secret room. As soon as he sat down without saying anything, he opened his mouth and swallowed dozens of pure yang veins in day order, and then mobilized the world tree to heal the body trauma.
Although he is a chaotic fairy body and incorporates HarmonyOS’s purple spirit, in a strict sense, he is still victorious in the face of virtual gods
Even if it weren’t for four people working together alone, his own words would be crushed directly!
"The virtual god is too strong, and no matter how strong the sacred emperor’s territory is, it can’t be an opponent of the virtual god’s territory, but if I also enter the virtual god’s territory and meet Zhen-dong Fang again, it will be enough to blow up!"
Miss this Sue should close her eyes slightly and immerse herself in her mind to start healing.
He saw that his bones had been cracked, but he was strong, and even without the world tree, he was still slowly repairing.
Fang Zhendong suffered the greatest trauma in his life, but he also benefited a lot from World War I.
"Now I have enough divinity to try to enter the virtual god, but my mana savings seem to be a little short."
There are still 30 thousand years to lose mana, but for Su Ying, this level of people, 30 thousand years of mana is not enough for him to break through into the virtual realm.
He needs more mana.
Then you can enter the virtual realm with one breath!
In the next few days, Su Ying calmed down and repaired the wound with a world tree. It took a year and a half for others to recover from the injury. He was as good as new in just a few days.
Su Ying in the Chamber of Secrets slowly opened his eyes for a moment, and then he said to himself, "If I achieve the virtual god, I need a stronger body. Now I can cultivate my body further and get more HarmonyOS purple gas, right?"
Miss this Su Ying mind move a mass of HarmonyOS purple gas appeared in front of him, and then he once again distributed everything to refine treasure. The large array was manipulated by 36 incarnations and began to temper against his body again!
There are thirty-six incarnations to manipulate the treasure refining array of all things and immediately start to work.
A moment listening to the rain hit the banana, the crit kept coming. A series of thunderbolts hammered and bombarded HarmonyOS Ziqi, and HarmonyOS Ziqi was hammered into Su Ying’s body!
From head to toe, the muscle texture and skeleton joints of eyebrows, eyes, heart, mouth, hands and feet are all integrated into HarmonyOS Purple Gas.
However, at this moment, Su Ying suddenly hummed a string of flesh and bones and exploded one after another. The skin was blown to pieces, the muscles were shattered, the bones were covered with numerous cracks, the heart burst and the eyes exploded with a bang!
"It’s horrible. My body has been overwhelmed by too much HarmonyOS purple gas."
Sue should be in the heart so think suddenly a vicious "but that is like my integration of the world tree is immortal just HarmonyOS purple gas and can be like? Don’t break or stand! Now that I am about to become a virtual god, let me break it again! "
With more and more purple gas in HarmonyOS, his body suddenly exploded, leaving a skeleton.
However, in a moment, the Nirvana Sutra cooperated with the world tree Su Ying and immediately recovered.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
A cloud of HarmonyOS purple gas made Su Ying’s body explode more than a dozen times. However, Su Ying’s body merged with HarmonyOS’s purple gas, and the more it became stronger, the last cloud of HarmonyOS purple gas could make his body explode three times.
He exploded again and again, resurrected again and again, and the treasure refining array kept running, making Su Ying’s rebirth more perfect when her body was shattered, just like a congenital demon!
I don’t know how long it took.
Su Ying has been numb to this explosion and rebirth process. He suddenly feels that his body has changed!
See HarmonyOS purple gas condensed in his own flesh actually began to condense this rune.
"What is this?"
Sue should watch carefully and see that this rune is more mysterious than complex, and it is printed in her own bones and flesh.
A rune is like chaos in an independent small world, as if the world has not yet been opened up.
"Chaos rune?"
After a long time, a rune finally appeared on his bone surface!
A perfect chaotic rune!
As soon as this chaotic rune was finished, Su Ying suddenly felt that more complicated and abstruse information came out of the rune and merged into her mind!
HarmonyOS Avenue!
This is HarmonyOS Avenue hidden in that rune!
Su Ying’s heart was shocked, and all kinds of information poured in, which made his eyes appear in a trance. It was that there was no world, no universe and chaos when the world was not opened and HarmonyOS was not opened!
A statue of an ancient god gives birth to chaos. In HarmonyOS, there is poverty and power. I don’t know the time, there is no time, there is a concept of fighting and fighting!
"This is a congenital demon!"
Su Ying’s heart was shocked. "All the gods were cultivated into gods and demons the day after tomorrow, and now I’m evolving towards the body of innate gods and demons?"
"The runes of these innate monsters born in chaos record that HarmonyOS Avenue will inherit their avenue if it gets chaotic runes!"

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