"uprooted … uprooted …" Jiang linxian emperor’s voice constantly echoed all ears.


No one near Xuanlin Star would doubt that Emperor Jiang Linxian really has the ability to destroy a large power.
To be prepared to move several immortals to Xuanlin was suddenly startled. These four immortals belong to the top ten forces, and they were all shocked by Jiang Linxian’s words. I didn’t expect this Jiang Linxian emperor to be so cruel!
Although many immortals were shocked by Jiang Lin’s words, several immortals were not. These immortals were the three major schools, Fei Di Xian Di and others.
What Emperor Jiang Linxian just said is right. It can really shock most immortals, but can he uproot the three schools? A few immortals from the three schools don’t believe this.
"You four go" Hongxu Xiandi to besiege four Xiandi tunnels with red blood.
The four men were all masters of the three schools of immortals in the early days. After hearing the words of Hongxu Immortal Emperor, they immediately prepared to move to Xuanlin Star.
But how could Red Blood let them leave easily? Excalibur in Red Blood’s hand swept away to the four immortals with a firm but gentle terror! This is the first time that Red Blood has tried his best to make a sword, and Red Blood will never allow the other side to succeed.
"Snow ….." One of the immortals recently didn’t come to dodge from the red blood, and was immediately passed through by the red blood Excalibur. The immortals were seriously injured and lost their ability to fight again.
Although Red Blood successfully intercepted one immortal emperor, the remaining three immortals have moved to Xuanlin Star …
"Shit!" The red blood sank in my heart, and three immortals attacked Xuanlin Star at the same time. Can Jiang Lin Xiandi intercept and live?
"it’s over!" At the moment Tianhong crack Chen also aware of the bad …
See three schools of three immortals moving away from Xuanlin Star in three different directions.
When the three immortals arrived at Xuanlin Star, one of the immortals didn’t come to respond, but he was hit by a huge force, spraying golden blood in the mouth of the immortal emperor and flying backwards behind him.
This man was hit by Emperor Jiang Linxian, who didn’t stay here and continued to move to another immortal emperor. At the same time, Emperor Jiang Linxian’s sword baby flew away in another direction!
Jiang Lin Xiandi, with his profound repair and quick speed, instantly appeared beside a Xiandi, who was preparing to launch his own attack!
"Hum!" Jiang Linxian Emperor snorted coldly. At the same time, his right palm has captured the chest of the immortal emperor.
This immortal emperor Jiang Lin successfully intercepted the attack of two immortals, but at this time, another immortal emperor was preparing to attack Xuanlin Star.
Even if Emperor Jiang Linxian wanted to stop it, he couldn’t come …
When Jiang Lin Xiandi was intercepting the second Xiandi, another Xiandi had already filled his extremely fairy sword with Xianyuan!
At the moment, the immortal emperor is a little excited. At this moment, Xuanlin star can’t bear too strong an attack. If he wants to drop the fairy sword in his own hands, the Xuanlin Sect will inevitably perish.
Seeing that the immortal sword in the hands of the immortal emperor was shining with dazzling golden light, "Go!" That immortal emperor drinks a lot!
But at this time, the immortal emperor suddenly found that the extremely fairy sword in his hand was shaking, and at the same time, he found that his body was suddenly filled with several dark cracks in the dense sword mans.
Not only that, he was shocked to find that he seemed to be in the field controlled by his immortal emperor at this time!
"What is this?" The immortal emperor looked at himself in shock.
At the moment, Emperor Jiang Linxian is still at the other end of Xuanlin Star. Can he cover the whole planet with his own field?
"This is impossible." The immortal emperor shook his head and directly ruled out this possibility. The realm of the immortal emperor is at most a thousand miles, which is the limit.
At a time when his own Jiang Linxian emperor is tens of thousands of miles apart, it is impossible to have such a wide range of roots in his field …
Suddenly, the immortal emperor found a golden flying sword in front of him. At this moment, it is quietly floating not far away from him, and those swords around him are just the center of it!
"Don’t …" The immortal emperor suddenly reached a conclusion that he couldn’t believe!
This flying sword root is not a magic weapon, it should be the baby in the sword!
The essence of the sword mans dark cracks … All this is very consistent with the characteristics of the sword baby.
"Field …" The immortal emperor was shocked to feel that he was in the field right now!
"Sword baby field!" The immortal emperor exclaimed in his heart! This brother is terrible! His sword baby has his own field!
Chapter 247 Hua feather fairy statue!
The forehead of the immortal emperor in the field of sword baby has already been covered with bean sweat. This Jiang Linxian emperor is terrible.
I waited for three immortals to attack Xuanlin Star in three directions at the same time, but my three people were intercepted by Jiang Linxian Emperor.
"I don’t know if the two of them are dead or alive …" The immortal emperor thought in panic. Because of his coming together, the two immortal emperors were severely hit by Jiang Linxian Emperor and fell off his planet. There was no more movement. I don’t know whether it was fainting or the amusement …
Just as the immortal emperor was terrified, Jiang Linxian emperor appeared in front of him with interest.
At this time, Emperor Jiang Linxian was angry. I didn’t expect the three schools to be so arrogant. Do they really dare not destroy their immortal emperor?
Jiang Lin Xiandi can stop three Xiandi attacks at most. If one Xiandi was not successfully intercepted with red blood, Xuanlin star would have been destroyed by this time!
"Hum!" Jian Ying, beside Jiang Linxian Emperor, once again moved towards the name Xiandi across the street.
At the moment, the immortal emperor is in the dual field of Jiang Lin immortal emperor!
Double fields include Jiang Lin Xiandi’s own field, the field of sword and baby!
The immortal emperor root has no ability to dodge and can watch the sword baby stab at his chest.
"Snow …" A light ring that fairy emperor first felt that his body had returned to normal, and Jiang Linxian emperor must have withdrawn his field.
But then a heart-rending pain spread from his chest to a burst of dizziness.
See the fairy Dili to Fang Xuanlin star planted …
Jiang Lin Xiandi successfully intercepted three Xiandi, and the whole process was panoramic view of the immortals around Xuanlin Star. They were all shocked by Jiang Lin Xiandi’s means.
This is not only because of his superb skills, but also because he … killed the three immortals of the three schools?
Fei Di Xian Di and Hong Xu Xian Di were seriously injured in the distance. At this moment, all three people’s faces are gloomy. They are all worried that the three Xian Di will be destroyed by Jiang Lin Xian Di.

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