Suddenly, the light of the venue flashed, and then the surrounding brightness returned to normal level. In the future, Ma Yi’s lightsaber seems to be a real one, which makes people feel sharper than a purple sword. Zhu Yu knew that this sword could hurt himself as soon as he saw it.


In the future, Ma Yi’s sword in both hands seems to have struck a sword at carbyne with all his strength.
There was no sound, but the tip of the sword did sink into the carbyne
After chopping the lightsaber, the sword disappeared, leaving a long "scar" on the surface of carbyne, which was shocking and could be seen clearly from a distance.
Zhuyu came and looked at carbyne and looked at the future of Mayi.
"Was that sword an artifact or did you conjure it up by your own strength?"
"Is an artifact" JiTianCi aside replied.
"ah? How come… This artifact has been integrated into her body? "
Ji Tianci and Ma Yi both nodded in the future.
"Can you separate it?"
Mayi Future shook her head and English replied, "I don’t know how to separate it."
Zhu Yu touched himself. "This is difficult. Before the competition, the organizing committee will send S-class life controllers to check their bodies, mainly to check the annual rings to see if there are any players over 36 who violate the rules to participate in the competition, but they will also find out whether there are artifacts in the players’ bodies. I am afraid that they will not be able to participate in all three events except the God of War."
"ah? What else did you say? My granddaughter’s strength is her strength, even if she doesn’t have an artifact, she can ruin the God Tournament and get the ranking. "
Ma Yi Shengping really didn’t know there was such a thing. He felt that since the artifact had been integrated with the future, everyone would not find out that she had the artifact in the future.
Zhu Yu replied, "I know what you think. This kind of situation is rare, but it does happen in history. Some players have some special artifacts, and they also separate these artifacts from each other. The tournament Committee specifically discussed seeking fairness and allowing such players to sign up for the God of War.
You’re right, Yueyue Girl can get the ranking in the God Destroy Competition even if she doesn’t have an artifact, and I’m sure she’s in the top three, but the life controller will definitely find her artifact, Jiuyou, and the life controller will also call her a wooden clan. If they can distinguish different life characteristics, they will find that Yueyue has another’ life’. "
Ma Yi wins the battle, and her face is uncertain. He originally planned that the future would definitely destroy the blockbuster of the God of War. Now it seems that she can fight bloody battles in the God of War again. But this God of War expert is like a cloud. Can she really stand out from the qualifiers?
I wish Yu ‘an comfort Ma Yi Shengping. "Pingsheng Bro doesn’t worry about me. I think your granddaughter’s artifact attack power is stronger than previous champions of God of War. She must qualify without any problem. Come and I’ll have a few fights with Yueyue Girl."
The fifth volume God Wars Chapter one hundred and ninety-six Energy field
Zhu Yu let everyone sit in the stands, which are similar in structure to the stands of football fields, but few seats are available, and few seats are less than ten rows.
Mayi future and Zhuyu carbon acetylene Zhu Yu took out the remote control and pressed a button to see that the whole venue was covered by a semi-circular white light-transmitting curtain.
Ji Tianci was surprised to see that the light curtain was composed of pure energy and hung over the whole venue to isolate the stands.
Ruan explained that "this shield is a kind of twisted force field, and all kinds of fancy magic can’t penetrate it, and neither can matter, unless several S-class supernatural forces can break it at the same time."
"Uncle, how do you know so much?" JiTianCi doubt way
"I’m kidding. I always sit in VIP seats in these two Cups. It’s very close to the exit. I wouldn’t dare to sit in the front if I didn’t know this."
Ma Yi Sheng Ping also laughed. "Yes, I have long heard that Lu always sponsored several major sponsors of the God Cup, especially the Diablo Parliament. Lu always seems to have sponsored one billion euros."
"But later, I also made a lot of money. The EU opened its doors to our company, which made me pull up a lot of big screens all over Europe. Every year, only the box office revenue is stable."
"Lu always has a good eye. I saw the film market more than ten years ago and I know that I have done a good job with extraordinary organizations. By the way, will Lu always leave the UK this time and also have a dark parliament? Britain is a dark parliamentary camp. Are they going to end the confrontation between the holy church and the temples? "
Luan’s eyes looked straight at the venue. "I won’t hide it from you, Ma Yi. I do know that the news of the curtain call may soon be too peaceful in Europe. You have been in the United States for a long time. I don’t know who your family will help if Europe really fights?"
Mai Shengping knows that if there is a struggle in Europe’s transcendental world, it must be a fight between the Diablo Parliament and the Holy Church, and the temples must be the Holy Church. After all, people are all over the United States, and the American authorities want to help the Diablo Parliament, but they still have to go to the Holy Church. If they don’t contribute, they will also pay some money.
Ma Yi Sheng Ping also looked straight at the future of Ma Yi in the venue. "Mr. Lu, do you believe that our Ma Yi family will rise beyond the world?"
"Maybe, but your transcendental world has been controlled by several ancient families for hundreds of years. Do you want to come out and they won’t kill you?"
"So I need your help."
"We? You mean … "
Lu Anxin was shocked at first, and Ma Yi Shengping said that "you" should refer to Jiu You Jian Dun. It seems that this person is also very ambitious. What does he want to do? Prime minister of the day? Or replace the emperor?
The four people in the stands were silent for a while.
LuManWen then asked Luan "dad shield is pass? Will I be caught if I touch it? "
"How can a silly child stop the supernatural from attacking the shield? It is said that the shield is driven by nuclear energy. It is like a repulsive force field. The closer an object is to it, the greater the repulsive force is, and the pure energy will deflect the introduced device in the force field. This ingenious design is said to be designed by mortals, and then it was put into various tournament fields in the supernatural world."
JiTianCi heard here and wondered "nuclear energy? Has human science and technology been able to control nuclear energy? "
For Ji Tianci, he learned that nuclear energy is inexhaustible. Cybernetics, nuclear fission and nuclear fusion will release furious energy. This energy method accurately guides nuclear energy in a certain place. If human beings can completely control nuclear energy, nuclear cars, nuclear planes and nuclear rockets will also appear one after another. In addition to radioactive pollution, this energy is much more efficient and cleaner than other energy sources.
Luan Nai replied, "I don’t know much about scientific things either. It seems that I heard that NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) world extraordinary organization jointly developed this shield. The original plan was to prepare the spacecraft, but the nuclear propulsion device has not been successfully developed. This shield was developed first."
As soon as Ji Tianci heard it, the Baitai travel spacecraft must have a protective cover, because the space of the spacecraft is a gradual acceleration process, and it is difficult to avoid the meteorite belt, so the spacecraft can’t fly too far without a protective cover.
"Didn’t uncle say that the supernatural world is not allowed to get involved in the mortal world?"
"It’s not that the supernaturals are involved in the mortal world, but that the mortals want to study the supernaturals so as to speed up the development of science and technology. The supernaturals have never understood the principle of this kind of shield. Just know how to do it. I think it’s no problem for the strength of the shield here to stop an S-class supernatural attack."
"How did you see that?" Real JiTianCi day eye observation already know that this shield strength as S-class extraordinary attack strength, but at most, it can also carry the S-class strong ordinary attack. If the S-class strong force attacks this shield, it can’t even carry it.
Although the shield can deflect and absorb energy, there is a threshold. If the energy is strong enough, the shield will definitely explode.
Lu installed a tall figure "I feel"
Aside Ma Yi Sheng Ping also laughed. "Manager Lu is really funny, but this shield can really withstand the S-class extraordinary attack. Although the shield here is not a high-standard shield, since it was developed, the lowest shield has great energy just like the original bomb."
Ji Tianci heard that there were a lot of thoughts in his brain. Although this kind of shield is a defense, isn’t it like a cage that they trap the extraordinary?
Besides, Fang Qi doesn’t seem to know that there is otherness. If he knows the otherness, will it be helpful for his curvature engine and array sending research?
This kind of shield always makes you uneasy. It seems that people are also guarding against the extraordinary.
LuManWen couldn’t help but wonder. She threw the mineral water bottle in her hand at the seemingly transparent protective cover.
She threw a powerful mineral water bottle and flew fast, but it flew three meters away from the protective cover, and it bounced back and fell to the stands like a wall.
"Ah, it’s amazing!" Lu Manwen is a little excited, like walking into a science fiction studio.
Ji Tianci suddenly got up. He jumped from the stands and ran towards the shield. At first, he didn’t feel anything, but when he got three meters away from the shield, he also felt great repulsion.
Ji Tianci steadies himself and flies forward, but it feels like trying to get two magnets with the same pole together. The closer to the shield, the stronger the repulsion.
In the end, Ji Tianci tried his best to fly to a position more than two meters away from the protective cover, and then one inch forward, and the repulsion increased several times, which made people feel desperate.
"Little ancestor, don’t try. Even I have to try my best to wear it."
Looked at JiTianCi Zhuyu a face of smile.
The fifth volume God Wars Chapter one hundred and ninety-seven Fire Wars
JiTianCi some unwilling sample he stretched out his right hand palm seat next to a picture tube lieutenant mo evil sword played out.

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