Hold this doubt down. Today’s departure from the palace has mainly been completed. He wrote a letter to let Fu Xian take it back to the palace. "I haven’t been out for a long time, so I’ll go shopping."


Fu also feels that his temple has suffered a lot these days. Smiling fat face took out a bag of silver ingots from his sleeve. "Hey, if you don’t have enough flowers in the temple, let people go to the palace to get a good solution, and the old slave won’t accompany you."
"Go" Qiye took the silver bag and weighed it conveniently.
However, it is not as convenient as banknotes to take such heavy silver with you when you go out.
Unfortunately, at this time, even the silver ticket transaction did not appear. People go out with less copper coins and more gold and silver. In addition to gold and silver, they can exchange things, such as silk and fur. It is not convenient for these businessmen to go out and carry them, and they are easily robbed.
The king of Jin had an idea in his heart that these still need to be planned and discussed slowly.
At the moment, he wants to see Tao Zhuo earlier. Unfortunately, he asked the film guard to find out before that Chengning Bofu died because of the old uncle. Uncle Mao’s generation needs to be filial. They rarely go out to visit the house for dinner. It is also because Weiyuan Houfu is her grandparents’ home that he met her and her mother.
Although it was different at the same time, Qi Ye recalled seeing Tao Zhuo’s family and felt still cordial. Although I didn’t know if I had any memories, they didn’t change their faces.
But up to now, he has seen the impression that Tao Yiqing, Tao Zhuo and her parents are all the same. Like Tao Yiqing’s father Cheng Ningbo, he is not the world. He is familiar with his uncle. Obviously, not everyone in Bofu is Tao Zhuo’s original family.
Since the shadow guards are generally hidden behind people, there are still four guards accompanying Qiye, not the general guards in the palace. Emperor Jinglong gave him a pro-guard with high skill, which shows that he is a favorite.
"Where are we going?"
Since it’s the King of Jin’s personal bodyguard, it’s natural and unusual. Guards are all confidants. One of the square-faced guards called the New Year’s greeting, and he was cheerful and playful, so he smiled and asked around the King of Jin.
He ranks second and third among the four relatives according to age. He Yue is the eldest brother of twins, Zhao Yongfeng and Lao Si Wang Zhengxing. The four of them are excellent except for the New Year.
Generally, Qiye took two bodyguards to travel, but Emperor Jinglong didn’t trust him, and all four of them followed him today.
Qi Yedao "Walk at will"
But walking Qiye turned to the workshop where Chengning Bofu was located and left the East City. It was almost noon for the Lunar New Year. The King of Jin walked along the street and didn’t shop. There was no restaurant nearby. I couldn’t help but ask, "Will you go back to the palace for lunch or find a restaurant?" There is no decent restaurant here, but there is a small shop, but his report has never been there.
Qiye actually wanted to find an excuse to go to Chengning Bofu all the way, but he thought about it all the way and found that he really didn’t pay anyone with Chengning Bofu. So it seems that he still has to get it from Tao Yiqing. Unfortunately, Tao Yiqing is not in the house and went to Wanqing Temple to recite the scriptures, and it will take half a month to go.
He has only been there for a few days, and there are still more than ten days before he returns to the office. Qi Ye has some problems to wait for.
But he really can’t find the path of Tao burning. It seems that Cen can go to Wanqing Temple to make friends with Tao Yiqing first. I hope he can still be his own friends as usual.
But today, obviously, if I can’t go to Wanqing Temple, I will go back to the palace first.
Although the king of Jin did not walk out of the palace by carriage, Zhao Yongfeng will soon follow the carriage nearby and the four of them will ride around.
The carriage went through the west outer street of Dongshi to the Imperial City. Halfway there, Qiye stopped the driver and lifted the window screen to look at the opposite shop.
Looking curiously at the New Year, I saw that it was a jewelry shop. I couldn’t help but be stunned and then quietly smashed my twin brother. "In February, do you think the prince likes girls?" Otherwise, how can I stare at my daughter’s jewelry shop? I just don’t drive.
Although the Lunar New Year is a twin brother with the Lunar New Year, they are not similar in appearance, which makes Qi Ye feel like fraternal twins.
The eyebrows and eyes of the two are similar, but the face of the New Year is not square. It is more handsome than the New Year. His eyes are serious. "Don’t talk nonsense."
What’s the nature of their own temple? Some of their relatives know very well that when they see your daughters in the temple, they can’t dodge where there is a heart. "Maybe I want to choose a gift for the empress. The empress is coming soon."
"That’s right." I also feel that I just guessed something outrageous.
But the king of Jin watched it for a while and then asked the driver to continue driving.
In fact, he thought that Tao Zhuo had been a little girl who loved beauty since she was a child. She liked these accessories very much, and she also asked the driver to stop the car to buy them and send them to her after they met each other. But the moment before the car, she suddenly realized that it was ancient and inappropriate.
But I don’t know that I almost misunderstood my guards.
After more than half an hour, the king of Jin returned to the palace and was about to sit next to Emperor Jinglong for lunch. Shi Tianshun came over and said that Saint wanted to see him.
But when I came in, I saw that the king of Jin was busy with lunch and said, "You eat first in the temple."
"Brother, is it urgent?" Although he took a few bites of snacks in the carriage, he was not too old in the end. He was afraid that Emperor Jinglong would swallow a lot faster in an emergency.
However, regardless of previous lives, his table manners are very good, even if he eats fast, he still looks elegant.
Tian Shun laughed. "It’s not too late to eat in the temple."
Although the saint didn’t say this, he knew that it was a graceful thing to recruit the king of Jin in the past. This is not an urgent matter. He knows that it is important to eat at the King of Jin Temple without trying to figure out the holy will.
In fact, Fu should also report back to him after the King of Jin returned to the palace, and Yun was worried, but the old supervisor thought it was disgusting and planned to wait until after dinner in his own temple.
At this time, seeing Tian Shunlai also guessed the reason why the saint called people in the past, but seeing Tian Shun’s expression of eyes, he showed a satisfied smile, "Xiaozheng went to move a pier for Xiaoshun to rest."
"Oh, thank you very much, Grandpa Fu." Tian Shun was flattered and bent.
Although Fu was the general manager around the King of Jin, he knew that his position was not lower than that of serving the general manager Zhang in front of the Saint. It was said that Fu was higher than that of the general manager Zhang at that time, and he was transferred to serve the King of Jin because the Saint loved the young prince in the year.
Can be blessed with a manager who said that he was satisfied with himself?
Fu said with a smile, "If you don’t sit tight, it’s hard for you to do your job." When you give your hand to the king of Jin, you don’t stop watching him pick up the dishes. The king of Jin loves to eat them.
"It’s not hard, it’s not hard." Tian Shunke didn’t dare to reply carefully in front of the Lord.
Qiye ate and listened to see about 30 Tian Shun call Lenten Duofu do grandpa’s eyes flashed a few silk smiles.

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踏入《喜年花生唐上海公寓》,仿佛步入了一个充满古韵的空间。在这里,每一处装饰都透露着浓厚的文化气息,每一件家具都诉说着历史的沉淀。这里不仅有现代都市的便捷,更有古典建筑的韵味。 步入品茗区,首先映入眼帘的是一排排整齐的茶具,各式各样的茶壶、茶杯、茶盘,让人不禁驻足欣赏。在这里,茶叶的清香与古风的韵味交织,仿佛让人穿越时空,回到了那个悠然自得的古代。 品茗时光,不仅仅是品尝茶叶的滋味,更是心灵的交流。在这里,你可以与好友围坐一堂,一边品茗,一边畅谈心事;也可以独自一人,静坐窗前,品味人生百态。 每当茶香四溢,茶艺师便会细心地为每位客人泡上一杯香茗。从选茶、泡茶到品茶,每一个环节都经过精心打磨,只为呈现最佳的口感。在茶艺师的指导下,客人可以亲身体验泡茶的乐趣,感受茶文化的博大精深。 《喜年花生唐上海公寓》的品茗时光,不仅限于茶叶的品尝,更是对生活的感悟。在这里,你可以品味到绿茶的清新、红茶的醇厚、乌龙的回甘,每一款茶都承载着不同的情感与故事。 在品茗的过程中,公寓内还会播放轻柔的音乐,让人在悠扬的旋律中,更加沉浸在茶香的世界里。此刻,仿佛所有的烦恼都被抛诸脑后,只剩下内心的宁静与愉悦。 值得一提的是,《喜年花生唐上海公寓》的品茗时光,还提供丰富的点心和水果。在品尝茶之余,来上一口甜点,或是咬一口新鲜的水果,既解腻又养生。 时光荏苒,岁月如梭。在《喜年花生唐上海公寓》的品茗时光里,人们可以暂时放下生活的重担,享受一段属于自己的宁静时光。这里,成为了都市人心灵的港湾,让人们在这里找到生活的真谛,感受生活的美好。 总之,《喜年花生唐上海公寓》的品茗时光,不仅是一次味蕾的盛宴,更是一次心灵的洗礼。在这里,你将体验到茶文化的魅力,感受到生活的美好。如果你渴望一段宁静的品茗时光,那么《喜年花生唐上海公寓》将是你的不二之选。


“上海男孩按摩电话”指的是一些不法分子利用电话营销手段,打着“年轻、帅气、专业”的旗号,向顾客推销所谓的“按摩服务”。这类服务往往以低廉的价格吸引消费者,但实际上却隐藏着诸多风险。以下将从几个方面对“上海男孩按摩电话”现象进行分析。 首先,这类按摩服务存在安全隐患。由于不法分子往往以个人名义提供服务,缺乏正规资质,因此难以保证按摩师的专业技能和卫生条件。在按摩过程中,顾客可能会面临被传染疾病的风险,甚至遭受人身伤害。 其次,这类服务容易引发道德风险。不法分子利用顾客对年轻男性的好感,诱导顾客进行不正当行为。这不仅侵犯了顾客的隐私权,还可能对顾客的心理和生理健康造成严重影响。 再者,这类服务扰乱了市场秩序。正规按摩机构在市场竞争中,不仅要保证服务质量,还要遵守相关法律法规。而“上海男孩按摩电话”这类非正规服务,不仅破坏了市场秩序,还损害了正规机构的利益。 为了防范“上海男孩按摩电话”这类现象,消费者可以从以下几个方面入手: 1. 选择正规按摩机构。在享受按摩服务前,要了解机构的资质、口碑和服务内容,确保服务质量。 2. 注意个人信息保护。在接到类似电话时,要提高警惕,不要轻易透露个人信息,如姓名、住址、电话等。 3.…