But if the imperial clan is unwilling to die voluntarily, there is no way out.


If they are not decent, then help them be decent and let them die automatically.
Because of the scattered local life, there are not many clansmen living in groups, and the Lin’ an court is understaffed, so we have to entrust a navy division of Nanjunping to Fuzhou to help dispose of the clansmen living in Fuzhou.
Lin’ an court can’t do so many things. I hope that big dad can help those people and their property a lot. I can give a part to big dad as hard work. Lin’ an court just wants a part.
The army can’t help but clean up the brothers of Zhao Songzong in Fuzhou, arrest them together, and ship them to Zhongdu.
Should I say that the arrangement for Zhao Songzong’s brother-in-law after Zhao Gou crossed the south is quite effective, so that they can live in some key cities, Lin’ an Wing controls the economic lifeline of a considerable part of the country
But now it’s all cheaper and bigger
The whole arrest didn’t end until November, and Zhao Songzong’s brothers were sent to Zhongdu Guanji one after another, and the department didn’t arrive until the end of November.
In this period, more than 3,000 people from Zhao Song Zong’s room were transported by land and water to Zhongdu, where they became senior prisoners of war.
It’s true that the imperial clan in the Northern Song Dynasty was taken away and tortured to death by Jin Guoren. After more than half of it, there were still a large number of members of the imperial clan in the Southern Song Dynasty. It can be said that Zhao Kuangyin’s descendants are still a little busy and have fewer children.
Su Yonglin is not interested in others. He is very interested in Zhao Gou and Zhao Shen, two new eras [Huiqin Emperor].
At that time, Song Huizong and Song Qinzong were arrested by the Jin people and taken to the northern high-ranking prisoners of war. More than 30 years later, Zhao Gou and Zhao Shen were also arrested and taken to the northern high-ranking prisoners of war together.
It is said that the feng shui of Lao Zhao’s family has never turned around.
When two emperors were arrested, they went to the north to drink wind and eat sand. Now they remember to eat or not to fight, and they were arrested as prisoners of war in the north, which can be said to be a solid foundation.
Of course, politics is a kind of politics, and it is different to stress kingliness and labor reform from barbarism and semi-opening the kingdom of Jin.
The country did not let Zhao Gou and Zhao Shen and his concubines hold the so-called sheep-holding ceremony, and Su Yonglin was not interested in cuckolding Zhao Gou and Zhao Shen.
No, Zhao Gou’s green hat is already in place. I wore green oil decades ago, which is very beautiful.
Of course, he doesn’t seem to be proud of it.
Of course, the sheep-holding ceremony is not possible, but there must be a sense of ceremony or something in certain scenes
Su Yonglin asked Zhang Yuejing and Xin Qiji to host a ceremony to send Zhao Shen and Zhao Gou to Zhongdu instead of tandem.
And during the delivery process, they were specially asked to bypass Kaifeng and let Zhao Gou return to his birthplace to revisit his hometown.
Then let them follow the footsteps of Emperor Huiqin slowly north.
Take the road of predecessors and follow the pace of predecessors.
It can be said that Su Yonglin’s bad taste is vividly reflected, and the evil idea of killing people is also exposed.
When he heard that Zhao Gou had returned to Kaifeng and was crying over the ruins of the ruined Kaifeng Palace, he felt more refreshed.
Nothing is more enjoyable than making a national sinner cry.
Su Yonglin has not only class hatred, but also historical hatred and national hatred for Zhao Gou. It is really rare for a broad-minded person like him to have three enemies.
Therefore, he must let Zhao Gou be thoroughly liquidated and let him pay for his sins.
He would never simply kill Zhao Gou. That’s too cheap for him.
The extreme political evil of forbearing the disabled outside is carried forward by Zhao Gou.
If Zhao Gou is not completely nailed to the shame column and liquidated, this haunting political evil will continue to flow and continue to harm the country and the nation.
When they were in the north, Su Yonglin was thinking about how to liquidate Zhao Gou and others. After they followed their ancestors’ footsteps and arrived in Zhongdu, Su Yonglin called them to his palace and they met.
Accompany him to meet Zhao Gou and Zhao Shen, and some important officials.
For example, escort them back to Beijing, Zhang Yuejing and Xin Qiji, as well as Kong Maojie, Di Liao and Shen Ge.
At that time, Zhao Gou was already frightened to see that Su Yonglin had taken care of Su Yonglin’s youth and turned to beg Su Yonglin’s forgiveness and understanding with a very humble gesture.
He cried and begged Su Yonglin to spare his life, even if he gave him a simple life, he would let him live.
Just stay alive.
Zhao Shen watched coldly as Zhao Gou cried out and hated it. He just closed his eyes.
He became emaciated because he refused to eat for a long time, and now he can be given ginseng soup by special means to keep his spirit from collapsing, but this is not a long-term solution
Naturally, if Su Yonglin chooses to behead him, there is no need to save him.
Su Yonglin looked at this kneeling and begged for life. Zhao Gou and Zhao Shen, with their eyes closed and a full face of disgust, felt that the adoptive father was different
"Zhao Gou, I really hope you are like your son at this time … no, even if you are half as brave as you are here, maybe I won’t think about the northern Jin Kingdom every day, and the Southern Song Dynasty may be able to successfully explore the Central Plains. I don’t lie to you."
Su Yonglin went to Zhao Gou and squatted down and patted him on the shoulder. "Because you are too weak, I can’t see it. I can’t see a little hope from you, so I decided to come by myself. If you didn’t, then I will. Fortunately, I succeeded."
Zhao Gou raised his head and looked at Su Yonglin with a pair of tearful eyes.
Zhao Shen smell speech also couldn’t help opened his eyes.
"If Dasong can successfully explore the Central Plains in the north, won’t you go north?"
Su Yonglin turned to look at Zhao Shen.
"If you succeed in the north, what shall I do in the north? At first, my dream was just to be a rich man, a carefree and extravagant generation. You know, my grandfather is an official, my father is a producer and a salt merchant. My family is not short of power or money.
If you fight for some gas and make a brilliant situation, I won’t look down on you, and I won’t despair of you, so I thought of rebelling in the north, because you are so capable, I really can’t stand coming by myself. "

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