Soon, the wedding day of Changfang and Zhenniang will come.


A few years ago, Chang Fang and Tian met once, and the meeting was a little miraculous. He gave a piece of gold to Chang Fang and left it with a comment on writing. If I have to die, I can plant golden lotus in the fire.
When I first got this comment on writing, Changfang also thought it over, but after a long time, I couldn’t figure out the clue, and Changfang left it behind.
It was the gold that was given to him that day, and he still carried it with him.
It’s not that he has a soft spot for this piece of gold, it’s that the gold sent by heaven is too weird to discuss where the long room will throw it, and eventually the gold will return to the long room.
At present, Chang Fang has not deeply rooted in Zhen Niang, and he will marry Zhen Niang only on the orders of his mother
On the wedding day, he was not as excited as the ordinary groom, but calm.
Just as the long room was preparing for the wedding ceremony, I suddenly saw the busy day in the crowd.
"It’s you!"
Longfang saw that Tianhou didn’t even have the idea of welcoming her, and quickly came up to the sky.
"Who the hell are you?"
The long room came over and asked the day in a hurry.
It is more important for him to find out his identity than to marry a wife.
It was the first time we met that the sky left a deep impression on him.
"I am a kind-hearted person."
God saw Nagano recognize him and came towards him, but he didn’t hide, so he answered Nagano’s question there.
The wedding scene was lively and noisy, but when the sky was talking, the long room clearly heard the sky, as if the noise at the scene was different
The most important thing is that the newly married hero Nagano was the focus of the scene, but at this time, those people at the scene ignored them as if they could not see the sky and Nagano.
It’s not that a person suddenly leaves, but that a person’s feeling is eliminated.
There is something wrong with the groom, and there are no places where people are not harmonious at all.
Long room after aware of the surrounding situation, I feel a little palpitation and my back is a little cold.
This mysterious person in front of me is really terrible.
Long room when facing the sky, although some weak in my heart, but at the moment and day dialogue, he is maintaining a lose-lose mentality.
He directly questioned the sky.
"Good people? How can you be such a good-hearted person? "
Tian calmly smiled and continued to say to the long room, "I don’t mean anything else, I want to help you control your own destiny."
When Changfang heard this, he was even more puzzled. He directly asked Heaven, "What do you want to help me?"
If I can’t give him a reasonable explanation today, I’m afraid he will have a good doubt in his heart.
It is a common sense known to all normal people that the sky will not drop pies.
If a stranger is really kind to himself and doesn’t ask for anything, be careful.
General Changfang Datang naturally knows this truth better.
"It’s hard for me to see poor people being wantonly played by fate if I don’t do something."
Day is not directly said to the long-term housing sales
This statement is a bit of a joke, but Chang Fang can’t help but believe it.
He could feel that the sky didn’t lie to him and said it was true.
The day didn’t wait for the long room to think about it, and then it turned to the long room. "Do you remember that Donghua Xian spoke to you that day?"
"Donghua Fairy" was stunned and then tentatively asked, "Shi Niu shed blood and tears, and the loving mother vomited bright red?"
Day nodded "good is this sentence"
"On that day, Lan Caihe has made Shi Niu shed blood and tears. Today, your wedding is when the loving mother spits bright red."
"Take care of yourself in the long room."
The sky woke up seriously to the long room.
At the beginning, Donghua Xianchang’s house was granted a life in front of it.
That is, Shi Niu bleeds, tears, loving mother spits bright red.
When the longhouse smashed the Qingniu Temple, Lan Caihe was playful and ordered the red paint to Shi Niu’s eyes.
It should be the word day that Shi Niu shed blood and tears.
The sentence behind today’s long-term wedding that a loving mother spits bright red will also come true.
"What will happen to my mother?"
Changfang doesn’t care much about his situation, but he can calm down when a filial piety involves his mother.
Way of Heaven—natural law
"You made an enemy that day, and your wedding today is the time for him to come to you for revenge."

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