Jia Yingchun Nahan "Why is there such a strange name? Where is grand line?"


Tian explained, "grand line is far from Rongguo Mansion. You have to take a boat to get there. People have strange names."
Jia Yingchun couldn’t help asking, "Is it farther than Jiangnan?"
Heaven is "much farther than Jiangnan"
So the day continued
"My friend, he is an interesting person!"
If the average person is sure to expose that the sky is lying at this time, how can he go to a place farther than Jiangnan to make friends when he has been at home?
But Jia Yingchun is not an ordinary person. She is a bosom sister. At this time, she did not expose the loopholes in the sky, but asked the sky very much, "How is that Mongolian man interesting?"
"When he was a child, he ate a demon fruit, and his body became very strange. He could stretch his hand so long and blow into his own hand, and his hand became so big."
When God said it, he also made an exaggerated gesture.
"Is there such a person in the world?"
Jia Yingchun looked dubious.
This is Jia Yingchun to face with a grain of salt. If other sisters have definitely scolded Tianhu at this time, they said.
"Devil’s fruit is the secret treasure in the sea. People who eat devil’s fruit will have incredible power, but they will be disgusted by the sea and can’t swim from now on."
It’s just that Jia Yingchun is too cold to tell stories to amuse her.
At this time, the so-called Jia Yingchun believes that when he is bragging, he can ask Jia Yingchun to be more popular because of his story.
After introducing the devil’s fruit, Tian laughed, "My friend is really interesting."
"He couldn’t swim, and he told others that he was going to be one piece. When he was sixteen, he went out to sea alone in a small boat."
"pirates?" Jia Yingchun turned pale when he heard the terrible words. "Huan Gang, how can you make friends with such a dishonest person?"
Day hurriedly way
"He is a pirate, but he did a lot of good things and saved many countries after he went to sea."
"The princesses in several countries like him, and there is also a national female emperor who wants to recruit him as the emperor’s husband."
"He was kind enough to go out to sea and soon met a girl named Nami who specializes in stealing pirates."
"He asked Nami to be his partner and travel around the world with him."
"But Nami stole his boat and treasure after he got Thaksin, and he was not angry with him. Instead, he thought they were partners and went after Nami."
Jia Yingchun developed his own view on the story of heaven. "How can there be such a bad female thief?"
Heaven says, "Nami is not bad. She is also a poor person."
"Nami is an orphan who was adopted by a veteran since he was a child. His family made a living by planting citrus reticulata and lived a poor but happy life."
"But one day, a group of Jiang Yang thieves broke into the living village in Nami, and they demanded that everyone pay twelve taels of silver every month, or they would be killed."
"The veteran had enough money to keep Nami alive and he was killed himself."
Jia Yingchun couldn’t help asking when he heard such a dark thing, "Do you care if the thief goes to court so wildly?"
"The officers and men were bought by the Jiang Yang thieves, and the money collected by the Jiang Yang thieves was divided with the nearby officers and men."
"Chao Tinggen doesn’t know what happened here."
"The leader of the gang of Jiang Yang thieves told Nami that if she could take out 1.2 million gold, she could buy the whole village and be free."
"Since then, Nami has been desperately making money."
"My friend Nami’s hometown had a big fight with those Jiang Yang thieves when he found Nami."
Jia Yingchun was a little nervous when he heard this. "Did you win?"
"Of course I won, and even the officers and men who were bought were cleaned up by him."
See the day so Jia Yingchun just peep out one more smile.
I don’t pay attention to sitting and chatting with Jia Yingchun, so I told Jia Yingchun about magic change One Piece.
Chapter III There is someone in my face
It is said that the magic change One Piece has simply opened the door to the new world for Jia Yingchun.

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