But after all, it is a seven-star evil, and even the’ most fragile’ blood streak is not short. After screaming, the storm core quickly escapes into the vast storm.


It’s like a drop of water falling into the sea, and it’s extremely fast. How can you find it? This can’t be found!
With the naked eye, spiritual strength and exploration skills, these tours can’t be found.
He decisively mapped the map and set to ignore the other evils around him and only lock the seven-star evil’ Storm’ as an individual.
There is only one harsh red label on the map, which is running around at a high speed, far exceeding the myth limit by ten times and a hundred times!
As soon as I read it, I jumped out and ran away irregularly for hundreds of miles.
After a few seconds, the statue of "storm" slowly stagnated and stopped at a certain place in the field more than 100 kilometers away from Fang You.
He anchored the target and gave a low laugh.
"Found you …"
"The storm core has been found!"
To attack the weakness of Bluestar and put pressure on the white-robed human.
But in the blink of an eye, their own crystal was hit before it was here. If it weren’t for their long legs, the crystal would have been blown up by now.
But how on earth did this find the core of the storm?
Even if he believes in the great scarlet moon, it is impossible for the strong to find the core of the regular paradox than to be familiar with the demigod.
Unless you have the ability to destroy half of the rule field with one blow, it is almost impossible to kill the rule-based paradox.
However, it was discovered
More than once!
The bloody emperor’s face changed again and again. He had no choice but to quickly return to the defense with the help of the downwind.
Three myths work together against the blue star monster.
"Monster …"
"It’s really tricky."
They frown and swim and frown.
You get the most injuries and the most avatars, but I lose that’s the secret power! Even the manipulation of the secret realm of firewood has shrunk, but I can’t take these three myths for a while, and I can’t kill the core of this storm.
"I need ten strokes, and I need ten strokes less."
"This is too tricky!"
"An Jian You, Black Knife, Pale Red, they can give me support now, and Sidina can’t. The enemy has very quick battlefield transfer ability, and I can stop them alone."
"But ten strokes take too long and consume too much, and there are other variables …"
"I need more and stronger power!"
The red crescent storm field is spreading, and it has enveloped hundreds of kilometers around, and has enveloped the whole base city.
The strong wind rattled the window.
Residents in hiding places are also affected by storms, and many people are in a state of anxiety, as are grassroots investigators who maintain order.
They are ordinary people and can’t even go to the battlefield.
They panic, change at this time and hate themselves for being weak.
At this time, the headphones came to the headquarters, and the investigators looked a flap.
"Folks …"
"… front-line heroes are fighting. They need our strength. We are ordinary people, but we can also contribute our strength."
Now, please join me in front of the camera. The front-line heroes pray and hold our hands high.
"Let those enemies who are trying to destroy the world have a look at our blue star belief!"
Huang du broadcast sound echoes
All the TV programs are cut to the same channel.
Gymnasium, underground parking lot, anti-cave … One shelter after another, the big screen shows people whispering low prayers and raising their hands.
"Mom Altman can beat the monster, right?"
"Yeah, definitely."

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