Gently stroke the tip of the knife away from the red-eared rabbit’s body with blood. "This knife is too sharp. This is simply an artifact. It is said that exotic meat is very resistant to beating and injury, but this knife cuts the red-eared rabbit’s body as soon as it is cut."


When the injured red-eared rabbit screamed, its limbs kept digging and splashing dust, and it was not easy for Sun Qi to eat a face of soil. When the dust dispersed, the red-eared rabbit did not know where it had gone.
"It’s a bad start. I’m so embarrassed that I got away first. No, I’ll kill the red-eared rabbit anyway. If I kill the red-eared rabbit and kill a few more animals, I’ll have another ninja coin to smoke and endure."
Looking for the trail of the red-eared rabbit leaving "Aha here"
I saw a pool of blood on the ground and blood in the distance. "The red-eared rabbit was injured just now. This blood must be it."
Chasing all the way along the blood trail, Gong Sunqi is really a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers. He didn’t know that the blood of animals would attract the taste buds of carnivorous animals and make them hungry and want to eat meat.
Gong Sunqi dialed the ear of the bush and heard a few low growls and a scream in the distance. "What is this situation? Is it a red-eared rabbit?"
Gong Sunqi put a pot in his head to bring the red-eared rabbit family to the end, so that he can not only get the money, but also get fresh rabbit meat. The red-eared rabbit body is very valuable, and the rabbit hair is also valuable
The sound is getting closer and closer. Gong Sunqi quickly dialed the last block to realize that the grass came out of the grass. This drill was embarrassing. It was embarrassing.
"Hey, hey, that, that, that, I passed by and I went the wrong way, so I won’t keep you ~ ~ I won’t keep you ~ ~"
"Aha ~ ~ I told you how I couldn’t believe you when I passed by, and I chased for help! Help! How can I be your food when I am so thin? Your food is over there."
GongSunQi was chased by four animals and wolves.
These four exotic wolves are one-week exotic spotted wolves. Spotted wolves are a group of carnivorous animals. Spotted wolves are very strong. One spotted wolf has to eat food for at least five days a day, and spotted wolves are generally gregarious. Even the E-class strong ones will have a headache when they come over.
These four-spotted wolves were attracted by the bloody smell of the red-eared rabbit, and they found it all the way. When they were about to enjoy the food, they met Gong Sunqi, who was stirring up.
These four-spotted wolves are too hungry. How can a red-eared rabbit fill the stomach of four-spotted wolves? Then they look at the signs to Gongsun Qi. Although Gongsun Qi is not as fleshy as a red-eared rabbit, it is still food at least. They can’t abandon it. They won’t dislike Gongsun Qi’s lack of flesh.
"Boo-hoo! Help! My meat is not delicious. If I eat it, I will have diarrhea to help."
Gong Sunqi grabbed Taidao and shouted that the spotted wolf was chasing after him. Gong Sunqi had exercised to be patient, and his speed was not bad.
"I don’t believe you wolves can climb trees when you meow." Gong Sunqi aimed at a stout giant tree and jumped to the branches with both feet.
Chapter 1 People are too good to be true
Just because a wolf can’t be a tree doesn’t mean that an animal can’t be a tree.
Gong Sunqi made a face at the tree. "La la la la, come and bite me if you have something to do, so that you can be arrogant."
The tree-spotted wolf drooled and watched the food fly away. It was too unbearable. The wolf didn’t give up jumping and wanted to catch Gongsunqi and catch Gongsunqi from the tree.
The ringing of the ear came from a bad feeling in the heart of GongSunQi behind him, and he quickly jumped up in the same place.
Good GongSunQi is quick to react and make a decisive decision instead of turning to see what it is, which makes GongSunQi escape.
A python with crisscross red and yellow stripes pounced on the snake’s head, breaking a branch just set up by Gongsun Qili, and it fell suddenly. Its snake body was long and tough enough, so that the whole snake body did not fall to the ground.
When Gong Sunqi saw the python’s appearance, he gave birth to a stratagem in his mind: "I’ll give you a hand when I’m old." Gong Sunqi quickly printed "Water dodging water shooting" behind him.
This water shot is aimed at the python’s entrenched trunk body. After one hit, Gong Sunqi comes again. After three consecutive water shots, the python opens its mouth and growls in agony.
"It’s really tenacious." Gong Sunqi pulled out a knife and jumped toward the body of the giant python. This knife went to the rough snake body of the giant python, and blood was flying everywhere.
The python’s blood smells fishy and attracts the four-spotted wolf. The four-spotted wolf becomes more violent because of the smell of blood. "Go with them." Gong Sunqi is another knife to make the python hurt and hurt, and one accidentally falls to the ground.
The tip of Taidao fixed the trunk and looked at the fallen python and smiled. "I’ll wait here for you to fight to the death."
The four-spotted wolves have been attracted by the blood smell of the python. It is estimated that now that Gong Sunqi is coming and going before them, they will all think that Gong Sunqi is in the way, and the python is left in their eyes.
Tigers can’t cope with wolves, which Zhao Yun knows is that the python will definitely die in the end, so that they can fight to the death to pick up cheap gongsunqi and get rid of it.
"water dodging water shooting"
This level of Ninjutsu was perfected by Gong Sunqi and specially attacked the eyes and nose of the spotted wolf, or the spotted wolf on the 15th of the month was shot by Gong Sunqi, and was more or less seriously injured.
"Have a rest without chakra."
Continuous water shooting chakra limited GongSunQi leave some chakra unprepared, just sit on the trunk and watch the tree kill two kinds of animals.
"The spotted wolf is a carnivorous animal, and the viper is also a carnivorous animal. I’m struggling with a carnivorous animal now. If it weren’t for this knife, I guess I would still be able to treat a carnivorous animal."
Gong Sunqi calmly analyzed, "If it’s one-on-one, maybe I can travel around with this knife, but if it’s two, I can run."
Gong Sunqi’s analysis is clear and correct, and it comes from me. The shortcoming is that he forgets that human beings are wise, and they have issued many gadgets, guns and ammunition, which can also be used against a strange animal.
Having a good rest, GongSunQi jumped from the branch and the knife was already drawn. He was aiming at a spot of wolves, and the tip of the knife pierced the unlucky spot of wolves, and the spot of wolves was killed on the spot.
Ding Tong shows congratulations to the host for killing two spotted wolves and getting a forbearing coin’
GongSunQi eyes stare big "two star-studded Wolf! !”
Gong Sunqi was scared to death. He was still a one-star animal. Who knew it was a two-star animal? "If I hadn’t waited for them to kill me just now, I would have died."
Gong Sunqi glanced at the dying viper not far away. "If you just didn’t choose to help the viper and didn’t make trouble to hurt these spotted wolves, it is estimated that the viper would have died a long time ago, and there would be no possibility for me to rule out."
Get rid of one wolf and three wolves waiting for Sun Qi. These three wolves will not be killed by Sun Qi as easily as this one.
Looking at the dead body, Gong Sunqi decided to close it, otherwise it would attract more carnivorous animals. "Uncle Wolf, uncle snake, you can fight slowly. My family called me. I should go home. Bye bye."
After that, Sun Qi believed that the three-spotted wolves would never chase him. There were vipers and the dead three-spotted wolves left with plenty of food to eat.
At that time, Gong Sunqi finally seal the "water-dodging shooting". This time, he aimed at the viper. He wanted to take away the viper’s life before he left, and maybe Tong could reward him with another coin.
Ding Tong shows congratulations to the host for killing the two-star carnivorous viper and rewarding it with a forbearing coin’
"The harvest is quite abundant. Retreat."
Back in the city, Gong Sunqi was so tired that he was panting. This first contact with animals made him feel what is called terror. If it wasn’t for luck, he would really die.
"It’s too late to go to the suburbs and come back."
The house has been destroyed and there is no place to go. Gongsunqi found a park to sleep on a park bench and entered the Ninja System.
"Two ninja coins. Haha, cool."
Gong Sunqi was forced not to wait for two ninja coins to turn the roulette wheel. This is the first time that Gong Sunqi turned the roulette wheel by himself, and put two ninja coins into a dragon’s mouth. One side of the dragon’s paw is a rocker to turn the roulette wheel and pull the rocker to turn the roulette wheel.
"Water eludes water, wind eludes wind"
Constantly meditating on Sun Qi in my heart can make these two ninja skills work. If there is his ninja skills, it is the dharma.

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