Hear those cheers around Lin is turned over.


Hey, Yan city is really a little guy, but it’s good that I haven’t had enough today. The white man was dazed for a while and then grinned. "
Sorry, wrong place.
However, for his words, Lin Dong shrugged his shoulders and said something that made people around him stunned. However, when he fell behind, he wanted to turn around and leave. Although he was not afraid of anything, he was not happy with Ziyue’s good behavior.
A castle in the purple moon was also made a stay by Lin’s move. Soon the arch eyebrows were pricked up with anger.
No garbage
White man and the pie mouth shook his head and sneer at one.
Oh, I just turned around and paused, then lifted up my head and breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned back to targeting top and smiled brilliantly.
Can you say it again? Chapter 133 Zhu Cao
Looking at Lin’s face, it seems to be a bright smile. The white man’s eyes are also covered with a cold mountain. He keeps a close eye on Lin and spits out two cold words and sounds.
As he blurted out the words, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense. Everyone knows that today’s events are probably Fa Shan.
Corridor purple month is also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. She didn’t expect Lin to be such a ng. She had no doubt that if that guy hadn’t come at last, Lin would have left her and turned around and left.
I’d like to see what money you’re wearing is worth the teacher’s attention. Purple Moon stared at the figure mumbling in the field. Although ji’s hand had previously made her Bai Lin move something, she didn’t believe Master Yan that she didn’t.
The younger generation of Yan Cheng Fu Shi is radiant with this belief. Today, she is at the peak of the Second Seal Fu Shi, and she is one step away from the Third Seal. This achievement is already a leader among her peers.
Although she has heard of Lin’s defeat of Wei Tong, it seems to Ziyue that the greatest contribution should be the strength of Lin’s departure force. She is really surprised that Lin can step into I Yuan Dan at this age, but it stops here because no matter how tough the force is, it is there with strong jng divine power to become the greatest shelter.
And operator ji hands are mostly jng divine power competition to move the white man, a ji hand, Ziyue is able to see his bottom line.
In the field, Lin looked at the white man in the sneer. He could see that the man seemed to be deliberately provoking Yan Cheng Fu Shi.
Do you want to be a striker?
Hearing Lin move this laughter, the white man’s eyes narrowed slightly, but he didn’t answer it. He sneered, I say less nonsense and dare not fight, so go away and let your side get the successful person.
Mouth smile white male heart is some surprise, although he ng haughty, but after all, it’s not silly not to run to somebody else’s site so arrogant and this is also with Lin Dong said that he was ordered to explore what happened in the younger generation of operators in Yancheng this year.
In this case, let’s do it. Lin smiled and then stepped in the first two steps to light the way
Humi, I’m Zhu Cao, the Martial Arts Association of Skyfire City. You should remember this name well.
The man in white sneers, but this person is obviously a crafty person. Just when his voice is still unfinished, count the cold mountain, that is, suddenly and violently sh in his sleeve and flash like sh to move to Lin.
In the face of Zhu Cao’s sudden attack on Lin Dong, it did not move. One finger flicked several black mans, and pomelo sh easily blocked Zhu Cao’s attack.
After stopping Zhu Cao’s attack, others discovered that the cold mountain was three sharp daggers, and the whole body was white with thick cold infiltration. Moreover, when the daggers of the broken yuan shuttle collided with each other, he was surprised to find that his jng divine power was stung by that cold.
Icy darksteel
Lin Dong glanced at the three white daggers with sharp serrated handles, but he recognized them as ice darksteel, a special rare metal born in extreme cold, with an amazing homeliness, and even jng divine power would be hurt by its cold.
Lin moved some didn’t expect this Zhu Cao to have such a baby. No wonder he dared to be arrogant here.
However, although Lin Dong ate the cold, I lost a little, but Zhu Cao’s heart was even more frightened at the impact. He was dismayed to find that his jng divine power was almost scattered by the ice. Obviously, the former jng divine power was stronger than him.
When did the younger generation in this inflammatory city show such a fierce angle again? S Zhu Cao murmured in his heart for a moment, and then the cold mountain in his eyes was even worse. The three ice xuanjian handles immediately danced and turned to Lin with a strong cold sword shadow and sharp sh.
Look at this appearance. It seems that Zhu Cao is quite good at jng’s divine power to control things and attack the drilling trajectory, plus the additional chill of the blade. Even if it is unusual, Dan’s strong environment is afraid of being tricky.
But it doesn’t have any threat to Lin Dong. When the palm of your hand lifts ten broken yuan shuttles, it is a violent sh, and it will stop Cao Zhu’s three ice xuanjian handles so that he can’t get close to his whole body.
Compared with the degree of control over jng’s divine power, this Zhu Cao is obviously a method. Compared with Lin Dong, although the ice Xuanjian is chilly, it still breaks through ten seemingly micro-I broken yuan shuttle defenses.
make a din
When the broken yuan shuttle stopped the other side’s ice Xuanjian, Lin also smiled at the Zhu Cao. When the sole of his foot stepped on the ground, his figure was swept back like an arrow. At the same time, the fluctuation of forceful yuan force also emanated from his body
See Lin Dong rushed to the Zhu Cao is also a surprised shape quickly drifted back immediately a jng god shock wave quickly from its mud pill palace storm surge and severely crashed into Lin Dong.

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在此之前,受疫情影响,上海市民的聚会活动受到了很大程度的限制。不仅聚会人数受限,而且聚会场所的选择也受到了诸多限制。这无疑给市民的社交生活带来了很大的不便。然而,随着疫情防控形势的持续改善,上海市政府果断采取措施,逐步放宽了聚会活动的限制。 首先,在聚会人数方面,上海市政府规定,室内聚会人数不得超过50人,室外聚会人数不得超过100人。这一规定既考虑了疫情防控的需要,又满足了市民的正常社交需求。此外,对于特殊情况下的聚会活动,如家庭聚会、朋友聚会等,市民可以根据实际情况向所在社区提出申请,经批准后方可举行。 其次,在聚会场所方面,上海市政府明确指出,室内场所如餐馆、咖啡馆、酒吧等,在满足疫情防控要求的前提下,可以正常营业。室外场所如公园、广场等,在确保不聚集、不扎堆的前提下,也可以正常开放。这一政策的出台,使得市民在疫情防控常态化的背景下,可以更加放心地参加各类聚会活动。 此外,上海市政府还鼓励市民在参加聚会活动时,做好个人防护措施。如佩戴口罩、保持社交距离、勤洗手等。这些措施不仅有助于降低疫情传播风险,也有利于保障市民的身体健康。 在政策放宽的同时,上海市政府也要求各相关部门加强监管,确保疫情防控措施落实到位。对于违反疫情防控规定、造成疫情传播风险的聚会活动,将依法予以查处。 值得一提的是,上海市政府在放宽聚会活动限制的同时,还积极推动线上聚会活动的发展。通过网络平台,市民可以在线上参加各类聚会活动,如线上音乐会、线上读书会等。这不仅丰富了市民的业余生活,也为疫情防控提供了有力支持。 总之,上海市政府在疫情防控常态化的背景下,放宽了聚会活动的限制,为广大市民带来了更多的便利。这一举措不仅有助于促进经济复苏,也有利于市民的正常社交生活。相信在政府的有力指导下,上海的疫情防控形势将越来越好,市民的生活也将越来越美好。